- /VideoFranchiseTemplate/

[To Parent Directory]

11/21/2016 10:01 PM <dir> Access Cable Corporation
11/21/2016 10:01 PM <dir> All Franchise Territory Maps 2008
3/21/2014 1:08 PM 25061243 All Video Franchise Territory 20140101 (by Franchisee).pdf
3/21/2014 1:11 PM 26127900 All Video Franchise Territory 20140101 (by LEC Status).pdf
11/21/2016 10:01 PM <dir> AmerCable
11/21/2016 10:01 PM <dir> Astound Broadband, LLC
11/21/2016 10:02 PM <dir> AT&T
11/21/2016 10:02 PM <dir> Audeamus
11/21/2016 10:02 PM <dir> BaldwinCountyInternet
3/1/2007 10:59 AM 169472 BlankVideoFranchiseApplication.DOC
11/21/2016 10:02 PM <dir> Bright House Networks
11/21/2016 10:03 PM <dir> C-NativeExchangeI,LLC
7/21/2009 11:11 AM 11708126 CA_boundaries_(city_county).zip
1/26/2011 2:03 PM 100060387
7/31/2008 1:37 PM 575264
11/21/2016 10:02 PM <dir> Cable USA
11/21/2016 10:02 PM <dir> CableviewCommunications
11/21/2016 10:02 PM <dir> CAC Exchange I
11/21/2016 10:02 PM <dir> CAC Exchange II
11/21/2016 10:02 PM <dir> Calaveras Cablevision
11/21/2016 10:02 PM <dir> CalNeva
11/21/2016 10:02 PM <dir> Capp's TV Electronics Inc
11/21/2016 10:02 PM <dir> CCO SoCal I LLC
11/21/2016 10:02 PM <dir> Cebridge Acquisition, L.P
11/21/2016 10:03 PM <dir> Cequel III Communications I
11/21/2016 10:03 PM <dir> Championship Broadband
11/21/2016 10:03 PM <dir> Charter Communications Entertainment II, LLC
11/21/2011 2:27 PM 432801 Charter Notice of Reorganization.pdf
11/21/2016 10:03 PM <dir> CharterCommunicationsPropertiesLLC
11/21/2016 10:04 PM <dir> Comcast
11/21/2016 10:04 PM <dir> Convergens
11/21/2016 10:04 PM <dir> CoxCommunications
11/21/2016 10:04 PM <dir> Dalton Cablevision, Inc. (Charter)
9/10/2009 4:05 PM 205683 DIVCA 2009 Annual Report_Exec Summary & TOC Only_August 2009_200 KB.pdf
9/10/2009 4:52 PM 7206338 DIVCA 2009 Annual Report_Including Territory Maps_August 2009_7 MB.pdf
9/10/2009 4:53 PM 1544897 DIVCA 2009 Annual Report_No Maps_August 2009_1.5 MB.pdf
11/3/2010 2:44 PM 7777588 DIVCA Report 2010 - All Maps Included.pdf
11/5/2010 9:55 AM 1957512 DIVCA Report 2010 - No Video Franchise Territory Maps Included.pdf
3/17/2009 8:41 AM 1500839 DIVCA_2008_Annual Report_No_Appendices.pdf
3/17/2009 8:40 AM 4571475 DIVCA_2008_Annual_Report.pdf
3/17/2009 8:41 AM 167617 DIVCA_2008_Annual_Rpt_Exec_Sum_Tbl_of_Contents.pdf
11/21/2016 10:05 PM <dir> FalconCableSystems (Charter)
11/21/2016 10:05 PM <dir> FalconCablevision (Charter)
11/21/2016 10:05 PM <dir> FalconTelecable (Charter)
2/19/2009 1:24 PM 1041408 FINAL.Video_Franchise_Application_Template_021909.xls
11/21/2016 10:05 PM <dir> Franchise Territory Maps
8/10/2015 12:46 PM 274824 FranchiseRenewal_Attachments_A&B.docx
8/10/2015 12:48 PM 840872 FranchiseRenewal_Attachments_A&B.pdf
8/10/2015 12:46 PM 77354 FranchiseRenewalDecision.docx
8/10/2015 12:49 PM 299446 FranchiseRenewalDecision.pdf
12/10/2015 2:58 PM <dir> Giggle Fiber
3/17/2008 3:53 PM 362729 GO 169.pdf
11/21/2016 10:05 PM <dir> Golden Valley Cable & Communications, Inc
11/21/2016 10:05 PM <dir> Google Fiber California, LLC
11/21/2016 10:05 PM <dir> GreenfieldComunications
11/21/2016 10:05 PM <dir> Horizon Cable TV, Inc
11/21/2016 10:05 PM <dir> Inyo Networks
11/21/2016 10:05 PM <dir> Lone Pine Television Inc
11/21/2016 10:05 PM <dir> LongBeachLLC
11/21/2016 10:05 PM <dir> MarcusCableAssociatesLLC
11/21/2016 10:05 PM <dir> Media 3 Communications, Inc
11/21/2016 10:05 PM <dir> Mediacom California LLC
11/21/2016 10:05 PM <dir> New Day Broadband
11/21/2016 10:06 PM <dir> NorthlandCableTV
11/21/2016 10:06 PM <dir> NPG Cable LLC
11/21/2016 10:06 PM <dir> Orion Broadband
11/21/2016 10:06 PM <dir> Redwood IPTV, LLC
8/10/2015 12:47 PM 96257 Renewal Staff Report Proposing Rules to Amend GO 169 to Implement Renewal Provisions.pdf
11/9/2010 1:03 PM 498 Shortcut to VideoFranchiseTemplate on publicserver.lnk
11/21/2016 10:06 PM <dir> Sierra Television
11/21/2016 10:06 PM <dir> Sonic Telecom, LLC
3/15/2013 1:51 PM 219428 Suddenlink Notice of Transfer of Control.pdf
11/21/2016 10:06 PM <dir> SureWest TeleVideo
2/25/2009 2:23 PM 215552 T17141 final.doc
12/2/2008 12:17 PM 2564096 Template - Video_Franchise_Data 5.30.08.mdb
10/8/2012 1:19 PM 1698618 Time Warner Cable Notice of Reorganization.pdf
11/21/2016 10:06 PM <dir> Time Warner Cable Pacific West LLC
11/21/2016 10:06 PM <dir> Time Warner NY Cable
11/21/2016 10:06 PM <dir> TimeWarnerCableLLC
11/21/2016 10:07 PM <dir> TimeWarnerEntertainment_AdvanceNewhouse Partnership
11/21/2016 10:07 PM <dir> TimeWarnerEntertainmentCompanyLP
11/21/2016 10:07 PM <dir> USA Communications
11/21/2016 10:07 PM <dir> Velocity Communications, Inc
11/21/2016 10:07 PM <dir> VerizonCA
9/22/2008 10:35 AM 184832 VIDEO FRANCHISE APPLICATION TEMPLATE 9.08.doc
12/2/2008 12:37 PM 164352 VIDEO FRANCHISE DATA TEMPLATE 8.6.08.xls
12/2/2008 12:21 PM 4075520 Video_Franchise_Data 2.mdb
12/2/2008 12:35 PM 2801664 Video_Franchise_Data_Application.mdb
11/21/2016 10:07 PM <dir> VolcanoVision
11/21/2016 10:07 PM <dir> Wave Broadband