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IconIII. Direct Access Implementation Plans, Tariffs And Service AgreementsIcon

In D.97-05-040, the Commission ordered the UDCs to develop a plan which details the process and procedures that each UDC plans to use to implement direct access and to manage the direct access transaction requests. The result was the filing of the DAIPs. The DAIPs perform the following functions:

(1) to specify the direct access service options that are available to customers and ESPs under the new market structure;

(2) to describe the processes and procedures for customers and ESPs to select these service options; and

(3) to specify the roles, responsibilities and commercial relationships that will govern transactions between the UDCs and other market participants.

The DAIPs also refer to other Commission workshops and proceedings that have an impact on the provisioning of direct access.
The direct access tariffs and service agreements reflect the process and procedures contained in the DAIPs, and translate that information into tariff language and contractual agreements. They describe the specific terms and conditions by which market participants will be allowed to participate in direct access. Because the tariffs and service agreements reflect what is contained in the DAIPs, many of the comments on the DAIPs are reflected in the comments on the tariffs and service agreements, as well as in the comments on the Workshop Report. The areas of agreement and disagreement were reflected in the agenda organized for the workshop by the Energy Division staff and in the staff's Workshop Report. Instead of reciting and detailing all the different parties' comments and arguments on the DAIPs, pro forma tariffs, and Workshop Report, we have summarized the areas of major disagreements in the sections on the Workshop Report, draft tariffs, and service agreements.

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