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D.97-12-088, Opinion Adopting Standards Of Conduct Governing Relationships Between Utilities And Their Affiliates

VI. Regulatory Oversight

A. Compliance Plans: No later than December 31, 1997, each utility shall file a compliance plan demonstrating to the Commission that there are adequate procedures in place that will preclude the sharing of information with its affiliates that is prohibited by these Rules. The utility should file its compliance plan as an advice letter with the Commission's Energy Division and serve it on the parties to this proceeding. The utility's compliance plan shall be in effect between the filing and a Commission determination of the advice letter. A utility shall file a compliance plan annually thereafter by advice letter served on all parties to this proceeding where there is some change in the compliance plan (i.e., when a new affiliate has been created, or the utility has changed the compliance plan for any other reason).

B. New Affiliate Compliance Plans: Upon the creation of a new affiliate which is addressed by these Rules, the utility shall immediately notify the Commission of the creation of the new affiliate, as well as posting notice on its electronic bulletin board. No later than 60 days after the creation of this affiliate, the utility shall file an advice letter with the Energy Division of the Commission, served on the parties to this proceeding. The advice letter shall

demonstrate how the utility will implement these Rules with respect to the new affiliate.

C. Affiliate Audit: No later than December 31, 1998, and every year thereafter, the utility shall have audits prepared by independent auditors that verify that the utility is in compliance with the Rules set forth herein. The utilities shall file this audit with the Commission's Energy Division beginning no later than December 31, 1998, and serve it on all parties to this proceeding. The audits shall be at shareholder expense.

D. Witness Availability: Affiliate officers and employees shall be made available to testify before the Commission as necessary or required, without subpoena, consistent with the provisions of Public Utilities Code Section 314.

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