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D.97-12-088, Opinion Adopting Standards Of Conduct Governing Relationships Between Utilities And Their Affiliates

VII. Utility Products and Services

A. General Rule: Except as provided for in these Rules, new products and services shall be offered through affiliates.

B. Definitions: The following definitions apply for the purposes of this section (Section VII) of these Rules:

C. Utility Products and Services: Except as provided in these Rules, a utility shall not offer nontariffed products and services. In no event shall a utility

offer natural gas or electricity commodity service on a nontariffed basis. A utility may only offer for sale the following products and services:

1. Existing products and services offered by the utility pursuant to tariff;

2. Unbundled versions of existing utility products and services, with the unbundled versions being offered on a tariffed basis;

3. New products and services that are offered on a tariffed basis; and

4. Products and services which are offered on a nontariffed basis and which meet the following conditions:

a. The nontariffed product or service utilizes a portion of a utility asset or capacity;

b. such asset or capacity has been acquired for the purpose of and is necessary and useful in providing tariffed utility services;

a. the involved portion of such asset or capacity may be used to offer the product or service on a nontariffed basis without adversely affecting the cost, quality or reliability of tariffed utility products and services;

b. the products and services can be marketed with minimal or no incremental capital, minimal or no new forms of liability or business risk being incurred by the utility, and minimal or no direct management control; and

c. the utility offering is restricted to less than 1% of the number of customers in its customer base.

1. The advice letter shall:

a. demonstrate compliance with these rules;

b. address the amount of utility assets dedicated to the non-utility venture, in order to ensure that a given product or service does not threaten the provision of utility service, and show that the new product or service will not result in a degradation of cost, quality, or reliability of tariffed goods and services;

c. demonstrate that the utility has not received recovery in the Transition Cost Proceeding, A.96-08-001, or other applicable Commission proceeding, for the portion of the utility asset dedicated to the non-utility venture; and

d. address the potential impact of the new product or service on competition in the relevant market.

F. Existing Offerings: Unless and until further Commission order to the contrary as a result of the advice letter filing or otherwise, a utility that is offering tariffed or nontariffed products and services, as of the effective date of this decision, may continue to offer such products and services, provided that the utility complies with the cost allocation and reporting requirements in this rule. No later than January 30, 1998, each utility shall submit an advice letter describing the existing products and services (both tariffed and nontariffed) currently being offered by the utility and the number of the Commission decision or advice letter approving this offering, if any, and requesting authorization or continuing authorization for the utility's continued provision of this product or service in compliance with the criteria set forth in Rule VII. This requirement applies to both existing products and services explicitly approved and not explicitly approved by the Commission.

G. Section 851 Application: A utility must continue to comply fully with the provisions of Public Utilities Code Section 851 when necessary or useful utility property is sold, leased, assigned, mortgaged, disposed of, or otherwise encumbered as part of a nontariffed product or service offering by the utility. If an application pursuant to Section 851 is submitted, the utility need not file a separate advice letter, but shall include in the application those

items which would otherwise appear in the advice letter as required in this Rule.

H. Periodic Reporting of Nontariffed Products and Services: Any utility offering nontariffed products and services shall file periodic reports with the Commission's Energy Division twice annually for the first two years following the effective date of these Rules, then annually thereafter unless otherwise directed by the Commission. The utility shall serve periodic reports on the service list of this proceeding. The periodic reports shall contain the following information:


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