For those who are not on the CDT distribution list (and did not receive the original note), but are interested in the change in Usage History format from SCE . . . Regards, Mark Schindel Southern California Edison Co
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- Subject: Latest on SCE's Usage History Data Mapping to CMEP Format
- From: "Mark E. Schindel" <>
- Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 18:51:31 -0700
- Organization: Southern California Edison
Here are the minutes from Lisa Santos of our conference call on 6/12 with ESPs on SCE's Usage History Data in CMEP Format. Also, attached is the mapping with examples of these formats. Please review this information and get back to us with any comments or concerns, so we know if this is satisfactory or not. Until we know that we have this right we can't commit to a specific schedule for testing and implementation. Thanks. CONFERENCE CALL MINUTES: We had a conference call today, June 12 at 11:00am PDT with various ESPs on the DASR Usage History CMEP (California Metering Exchange Protocol) Format for the Time-of-Use (TOU) data. This was requested by the ESPs who were concerned on the Metering Protocol Format (MEPMD01) that will replace the current BCRS Report for the DASR Usage History information for all types of accounts as currently being provided by PG&E. The following were the participants of this Conference Call: - SCE (Mark Schindel, Lisa Santos, Julio Cabrera, Dan Lough, Al Ochoa, Paul Williams) - Enron (Mike Anderson, etc) - Edison Source (Isaac Nwokogba) - Green Mountain (Dave Ziner) - New West Energy (Rob Nichols, etc) The following were discussed: 1. MEPMD01 (Metering Data Type 1 for Interval Data) This will reflect the non-TOU Usage History information such as: - Record Type: "MEPMD01" - Record Version: "19990504" - Sender Id: SCE's D&B Number - Sender Customer Id: - Receiver Id: ESP's D&B Number - Receiver Customer Id: - Time Stamp: - Meter Id: - Purpose: "History" - Commodity: "E" for Electric - Units: "KWH" - Calculation Multiplier: Multiplier Value - Interval: "01000000" - Count: Number of actual usage data (1 per month) sent. For DASRs, the maximum is 12 months. - Data: "date/time-H-usage" combination for each month for twelve months and delimited by commas. "H" means Historical Protocol Text Flag. Example: "19980130H1188" 2. MEPMD02 (Metering Data Type 2 for TOU Data) This will reflect the TOU Usage History information such as: - Record Type: "MEPMD02" - Record Version: "19990504" - Sender Id: SCE's D&B Number - Sender Customer Id: - Receiver Id: ESP's D&B Number - Receiver Customer Id: - Time Stamp: - Meter Id: - Purpose: "History" - Commodity: "E" for Electric - Units: "KWH", "KVAR", "KW" - Season Identifier: "S" for Summer and "W" for Winter. - Calculation Constant: Multiplier Value - Data Start Date: - Data Time stamp: - Count: Number of label flag value, maximum of six (6) per record. - Data: "TOU label field-H-value" combination for each set and delimited by commas. "H" means Historical Protocol Text Flag. Defined Label Field Values: "On-Peak", "Off-Peak", Mid-Peak, 'Super-OffPeak". Example: "ONPEAKH1188" 3. It was agreed that the MEPEC01 (Equipment Configuration Type 1) will NOT be used for the meter information. A review of MEPAD01 (Administrative Data Type 1) is required for the meter configuration. 4. This DASR Usage CMEP format is independent from the current Customer Information Service Request (CISR) that is available with customer consent from the Third Party Authorization Group (Dan Lough). This CISR is free of charge for two requests per year. 5. Unmapped data fields from the original DASR Usage Report will be assessed based on the feedback received from the ESPs. 6. The use of the MDMA Server to deliver the Usage History information seems to be preferred choice by the ESPs. Regards, Mark Schindel Southern California Edison Co
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