ORA Load Profiling Workshop Proposal
Subject: ORA Load Profiling Workshop Proposal
From: "Price, James E." <jep@exchserver1.cpuc.ca.gov>
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 1997 18:43:14 -0700
Attached is the Load Profiling Workshop Proposal of the Office of
Ratepayer Advocates (ORA). DAI-LP1.DOC contains the body of our
proposal, in MS Word format, and DAIGRAPH.DOC contains the appendix,
consisting of graphs within a MS Word document. For any questions,
please contact Jim Price (jep@cpuc.ca.gov, 415-703-1797), Marshall
Enderby (mbe@cpuc.ca.gov, 415-703-2769), or Sean Casey
(seancasey@cpuc.ca.gov, 415-703-1667).