Load Profiling

June 2, 1997
Dear Toby, Carl, and Bob --
Here are CAL-SLA's comments on load profiling.  See you at the June 5
California City-County Street Light Association
While the California City-County Street Light Association (CAL-SLA) is not
submitting a detailed proposal on load profiling, it is very concerned with
the load profiles that are developed and used for street lighting and
traffic control signals.  CAL-SLA believes the development of load profiles
for street lights and traffic control signals is a simple and direct
process.  They would be based on existing load data of the investor-owned
utilities (IOUs).  CAL-SLA believes that there is sufficient load
information readily available to develop load profiles for street lighting
and traffic signals  
Load profiles for street lights served on rate Schedules LS-1, LS-2, LS-3,
OL-1, DWL, and AL-1 can be developed using the manufacturers' information on
usage and demand for each type of street light in a IOU's system and each
utility's hours of operation specified in their rate tariffs.  This load
data is presented by the utilities in the rate design phase of each
utility's general rate case.  There is no need for metering street lights.
The load profile for traffic control signals should also be based on load
data presented in the utility's last general rate case.  For example, San
Diego Gas & Electric compiled load information for traffic signals when it
developed the new A-TC rate schedule in its last general rate case.
Prepared by Reed V. Schmidt, California City-County Street Light Association
(CAL-SLA)  June 2, 1997
Tel:  415/775-3113
