LP Final Report, from PG&E

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	TxT9%CP%CorpPln@bangate.pge.com
> [SMTP:TxT9%CP%CorpPln@bangate.pge.com]
> Sent:	Tuesday, June 17, 1997 10:11 AM
> To:	smoss@hooked.net; pjmuller@pacbell.net; ssmyers@hooked.net;
> anevolo@ccnet.com; iobstfeld@msn.com; woreilly@ukdcs.co.uk;
> mpalme1@ect.enron.com; parti@inetworld.net; judypau@aol.com;
> tpeacock@pacent.com; eap.gems@ix.netcom.com; jep@cpuc.ca.gov;
> eaq@cpuc.ca.gov; wlarsen@oconee.em.slb.com; scr@cpuc.ca.gov;
> mail48488@pop.net; mrufo@xenergy.com; jcschaef@igc.org; bwa@slip.net;
> scottm@sce.com; fred@rer.com; snayeem@aol.com; silsbech@sce.com;
> frs.gems@ix.netcom.com
> Subject:	LP Final Report
> Attached please find the Load Profiling Workshop Report, filed
> yesterday 
> at the Commission and served on the Restructuring service list.
> Also, last week we asked for your preferences in scheduling the 
> follow-up meeting on eligibility. There was a slight preference to
> hold the 
> meeting on July 16, so that's when it will be. It will be held in the 
> morning in San Francisco. An agenda with the exact time and location 
> will be sent out a few days before the meeting.
> Toby Tyler, PG&E
> Carl Silsbee, Edsion
> Bob Hansen, SDG&E