SCE's Class Load Profiles 10/97 (Part 1 of 6)

On September 17, 1997,  at the Ratesetting Tariff Workshop, Southern
California Edison Company (Edison) agreed to provide load profile data
to interested parties. 

Attached are these class load profiles based on 1993-1995 data.  We may
update these profiles in early December to reflect 1994-1996 data. Also
attached is a document which contains the file format, description of
the load profiles, and the mapping of rate schedules to the posted load

Edison expects to use dynamic load profiling for residential, small
commercial, and medium commercial/industrial customers. Edison currently
expects to implement dynamic load profiling in the 2nd quarter of 1998.
We will use static load profiles until dynamic load profiling is
implemented. The application of load profiles is subject to commission

Edison expects to use either these static load profiles or dynamic load
profiles to compute the PX energy costs, pursuant to the CPUC's
ratesetting decision, and for ISO settlement. These load profiles are
consistent with those posted on August 1, 1997.

Due to the size limitation, this posting was done in 6 parts.

Part 1  contains file documentation and rate schedule mapping. 
Part 2  contains  Domestic rate group load profiles:  SCE1097A ( 2
Part 3  contains  LSMP rate group load profiles:  SCE1097B (4
Part 4  contains  AG&P rate group load profiles:  SCE1097C  (4
Part 5  contains Large Power rate group load profiles:  SCE1097D (3
Part 6  contains Street Lighting rate group load profile:  SCE1097E ( 1

If  you have any questions, please contact Cyrus Sorooshian-Tafti  
   Southern California Edison -   Regulatory Policy & Affairs/ Load
Research  or (626) 302-6644, Fax (626) 302-1626

