DA Forms to use for SDG&E

The following MS Word files contain the necessary forms you need to do
business with SDG&E with regard to direct access and virtual direct
access requests beginning November 1, 1997.

If you have any questions, please call Mike Gunzelman at (619) 654-1177,
or email Mike at MGUNZELM@SDGE.COM.

File Descriptions:

Esa97n1.doc    =    ESP Service Agreement
                                   (please use instead of posted Interim
DA Agreements)

DASR-5.doc     =    Direct Access Service Request
MDCR.doc       =   Meter Data and Communication Specs
Da-term.doc     =   Request for Termination of Direct Access
Hrly975.doc     =   Request for Horuly PX Pricing from SDG&E


Steve Lango,
SDG&E Pricing Strategies & Services
"slango@sdge.com"  E-Mail Address
(619) 654-1263  phone
(619) 636-1915  internal modem fax no.
(619) 654-1794  external dept fax no.




