Conference Call Minutes/Actions

The following participated in yesterday's conference call: SCE, SDGE, PG&E,
Enron, CellNet, Itron, IPT, and LG&E.

We agreed to the following:

1. MDMA and meter reading acceptance will be performed as a single
acceptance for MDMA functions. At least initially, any ESP desiring to
provide MDMA functions must agree to provide all or none of the functions,
except, however, that the ESP can subcontract any of the functions it
desires. The reason for this is to be consistent with the Tariffs decision

2. MDMA acceptance includes four documents: 1)Acceptance Process and
Performance Standards, 2)Qualifications (education & training),
3)Acceptance Test, and 4)MDMA Service Agreement. Current drafts, as of last
Friday, of the first three are attached; PG&E will attempt to draft the
fourth by the middle of next week.

3. Comments via e-mail on these documents are due to me by Close of
Business Tuesday, December 2nd. I will consolidate these and distribute
revised drafts by midnight on Wednesday, December 3rd. We will have a
CONFERENCE CALL to discuss, and hopefully agree upon, the first three
documents next Friday, December 5, 2-4pm, PST. The dial-in number is
800/720-8068 and I am the chairperson.

4. I will send a note to the CPUC on Monday evening, December 1st, to
notify them that we are meeting and working toward the MDMA acceptance
process agreements. A draft of the note is below. Please provide any
comments by COB, Monday, on the note.

Thanks to all for their participation and support!




Robert Lane
Commissioner's Advisor
Office of Commissioner Jessie Knight
California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Ave.
San Francisco, CA

Dear Mr. Lane,

I write to inform you of the progress of various California electricity
market participants in developing procedures to implement the Commission's
policies on the provision of Meter Data Management Agent (MDMA) services by
Energy Service Providers (ESPs). The parties, the "MDMA Users Group,"
include the three major Utility Distribution Companies (UDCs), ORA, CEC,
power marketers, meter and communications providers, and others interested
in the provision of MDMA services.

The MDMA Users Group has been meeting in person and via conference calls
since October 6, 1997. The discussions have included the content of
acceptance tests, assumptions and common understandings about the MDMA
function, and related topics. The meetings and discussions have been very
much along the lines discussed in the draft Meter and Data Communications
Standards decision posted on the Commission's website on November 19, 1997
(see fourth paragraph, page 33; second paragraph, page 34; page 35; and
page 36). Meeting notices and minutes have been sent to all the
participants in the MDCS and RSIF workshops via e-mail and have been posted
to the Direct Access Working Group website.

Indeed, these MDMA Users Group meetings may have obviated the need for the
general meeting on MDMA services to be held by each UDC (per the draft
decision, page 34).

The goal of the parties is to develop all of the documents needed to accept
ESPs as providers of MDMA services. We are developing the following four
documents and will forward them to the Commission for information upon
completion and agreement by the parties: 1)UDC-ESP Service Agreement for
MDMA Services; 2)description of MDMA Acceptance Process and Performance
Standards (the standards will be those ordered by the Commission in the
Tariffs and MDCS decisions); 3)MDMA Acceptance Qualifications (education
and training); and 4)MDMA Acceptance Test.

Please feel free to call me at 650/508-6017 with any questions.


Chris S. King
on behalf of the MDMA Users Group

cc: ALJ John Wong
    MDMA Users Group


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Chris S. King
Vice President
CellNet Data Systems, Inc.