MDMA Meeting on December 22
The meeting to discuss MDMA issues per D.97-12-048 will be held on
December 22, at 8 am at the following location:
Westin Hotel , LAX
5400 W. Century Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA
Please read the attached documents (MS word 6.0 RTF format) for the
details and the agenda.
Paul Nelson
Dear Electric Service Provider,
Southern California Edison, ESP Services Division, is pleased to invite
you to our third Open House, Monday, December 22, 1997. Our meeting will
be held at the Westin Hotel , LAX, 5400 W. Century Blvd., Los Angeles,
CA. We will begin promptly at 8:00 a.m. and conclude at 6:00 p.m.
To better serve your needs, we have modified our meeting structure as
described below.
The purpose of this meeting is to provide an overview of Southern
California Edison’s direct access policies and procedures. This
information will be useful for ESPs who are planning to establish
business relations with Edison. It is important to note that our
information will be technical in nature, so to gain the most benefit we
suggest you bring the appropriate support personnel.
In addition, for ESPs who have signed Service Agreements with Edison, we
will conduct comprehensive break out sessions that will focus
specifically on implementation. These two-hour sessions will address the
issues and solutions that will enable each of us to be successful in
this process. Again, much of the information will be technical in
nature, and it is to your benefit to have the appropriate support
personnel attend.
In compliance with ordering paragraph 3 of D.97-12-048, issued by the
California Public Utilities Commission on December 3, 1997, this meeting
shall also serve as the "...initial general meeting to allow [Edison]
and the meter data management agents (MDMA) to discuss the assumptions
and common understandings about each other’s meter data management
capabilities as set forth in this decision and in the direct access
tariff provisions."
Please RSVP to Heather Collins at (562) 491-2358 by Thursday, December
18, 1997. For those of you arriving Sunday evening, December 21st, we
will have a reception in Lindbergh A from 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. If you
let the hotel know that you are attending the ESP Open House you will be
offered the $129.00 room rate.
We know this meeting will be worthwhile and look forward to seeing you!