re:Disaster Recovery Plan Outline

Please see the following e-mail from Duncan Cano of PG&E and reply with
comments to Duncan or me, with cc to the other. Thanks!


>Errors-To: <>
>Date: Wed, 31 Dec 97 11:12:21 PST
>To: <>
>Reply-To: <>
>Errors-To: <>
>Subject: re:Disaster Recovery Plan Outline
>X-Incognito-Sn: 237
>X-Incognito-Version: 4.12.2
>We are looking into applying Low Side (Secondary) Line Loss within the 
>retrieval system as part of the MDMA function.  I wanted to know if this 
>issue was discussed during the MDMA meetings.  I don't recall being present 
>when this topic was discussed.  However, in my view it should be part of
>responsibilities since it affects calculations for scheduling and billing. 
>Applying these loss factor at the front end will help keep the data 
>Could you perhaps send this emial to the other MDMA participants and or
let me 
>know if there was a discussion surrounding this topic and let me know what
>outcome was.  
>Also, I'm putting the finishing touches on the re-drafted of the MDMA 
>Acceptance and Standards documents.  I've put them in a more understandable 
>and intuitive format without changing any of the content.  I'll send the new 
>documents to you on Monday.  Have a wonderful and safe new year!
>----------------------[Reply - Original Message]----------------------
>Sent by:"Chris King" <>
> All,
>PG&E has developed the attached draft outline for the disaster recovery
>plan (thanks Duncan Cano!). Please take a look at it and provide me with
>any comments. The idea is that this would be used as a template for the
>acceptance process, but its use would not be mandatory. It is more  of a
>helpful guideline to ESPs applying for acceptance as MDMAs. Also, it will
>not be part of our letter to the CPUC.

Chris S. King
Vice President, CellNet Data Systems, Inc.
