Fwd: EPRI Comments on Draft Agenda

Bill Blair of EPRI and I are submitting an alternative Agenda (MS Word
6.0 copy attached) for the PSWG Workshop which will be held on Friday
January 30, 1998.  We feel that the alternative Agenda will better help
the Commission and the Workshop participants address the key issues and
prepare the participants to immediately begin the work necessary to
select permanent Meter & Data Communications standards for direct
access.  Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Bill
Blair at 650-855-2173 or myself at 415-776-8140.
August J. Nevolo  
30 Casa Way   
San Francisco, CA 94123-1207 
Tel. # (415) 776-8140
Fax. # (415) 776-7541
e-mail anevolo@ccnet.com <mailto:anevolo@ccnet.com>  <<EPRI_Cmt.doc>> 
