PG&E comments on PSWG Agenda

PG&E recommends changing the agenda so that the morning is dedicated to
identifying and defining the scope of the issues that must be addressed by
the PSWG.

The afternoon could then be spent in defining the PSWG structure and
organization and setting a schedule for accomplishing the tasks defined in
the morning. At this point the group could also agree upon membership,
rules of order etc.

In our proposed agenda, we've added notable issues under the categories
provided in the CPUC agenda, (marked with asterisks.)


9:00 - 9:15	Welcome, Introductions

9:15-9:30	Review Agenda

9:30 - 10:30	Items from D.97-12-048 (pp. 47- 48, "Permanent Standards")

· The purpose of the PSWG is to review the interim standards, particularly
the existing UDC practices, as well as existing and proposed national
standards and other applicable standards and qualifications.
		* Meter Installation
		* Safety
		* Maintenance, Testing, Regulatory Reporting
		* Meter Hardware
		* MSP Qualifications and Certification process, including
		procedure for decertifying.
		* Validating, editing and estimating methodologies for
		hourly and non-hourly metered customers.
		* Permanent standards for the exchange of meter usage data
		* Standards for exchange of meter-related
		information(configuration etc.)

· In addition, the PSWG should recommend what should be done about
developing a statewide standard for the numbering of meters.  This is an
issue that needs to be coordinated with manufacturers.

· The PSWG shall then recommend what permanent standards should be adopted
by the Commission.

· The PSWG should also indicate whether other standards are expected in
the future, and recommend a process for reviewing possible future changes
to the permanent standards.
		* Also address enforcement of standards

10:30 - 10:45	Break

10:45 - 12:00	Continue Discussion of Items from D.97-12-048

12:00 - 1:00	Lunch

1:00 - 3:00	Organization of PSWG including setting up of subcommittees

3:00 - 3:15	Break

3:15 - 4:30	Membership, governance issues for the PSWG

4:30 - 5:00	Wrap-up, Next Steps
