Another Agenda Item for February 23 MUG

>To: "        -         (052)chrisk(a)" <>
>Subject: Re: Meeting on February 23
>Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 16:32:53 -0500
>X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by id NAA20798
>I had one additional item for the agenda - to discuss the CMEP format for
>monthly (ie., non-interval) data.  It would be good to get some of the issues
>on the table, even if we can't resolve them.
>(I couldn't find the instructions to post this to the "old" MDCS page
anymore -
>could you forward it to the group or tell me where to send it to get posted?

Chris S. King
Vice President, CellNet Data Systems, Inc.