CDT Meter Usage Minutes from 8/3/98
Subject: CDT Meter Usage Minutes from 8/3/98
From: Chris King <>
Date: Wed, 05 Aug 1998 17:49:19 -0700
FYI. This is the Meter Usage subgroup of the CDT. There is some overlap
with the MUG, but, as you can see, we allocated issues between the two. In
general, the MUG is focused on immediate operational issues, including
immediate modifications or clarifications regarding VEE and CMEP. The CDT
Meter Usage group is focused on the transition from CMEP to EDI.
I will be sending out a notice regarding a MUG conference call next week.
>From: "Barber, Daniel" <>
>To: "Cano, Duncan" <>, "Goldman, Ryan" <>,
> "''" <>,
> "''"
> <>,
> "''"
> <>,
> "''" <>,
> "''" <>,
> "''"
> <>,
> "''" <>,
> "''" <>,
> "''"
> <>,
> "''" <>
>Subject: CDT Meter Usage Minutes from 8/3/98
>Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 10:59:33 -0700
>X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.1960.3)
>Team Members,
>Attached are a copy of the attendee list and the notes from our meeting on
>Meter Usage transactions yesterday on August 3rd. Our next meeting will be
>on August 19th in Irwindale. Larry Colwell will be sending out something
>on this.
> <<cdtattend.doc>> <<cdtmtus.doc>>
>Call or email me if you have any quesitons or comments. I was thinking
>about sending this out to the CDT Exploder and let others see what wer'e
>doing or should I wait until the meeting on thursday so we can discuss this
>with the full group?
>Let me know what you think,
MS Word file
MS Word file