Notice of date for Customer Information Database Pre-Workshop Meeting
Subject: Notice of date for Customer Information Database Pre-Workshop Meeting
From: "Scott-kakures, Megan" <>
Date: Wed, 04 Jun 97 14:52:00 PDT
Encoding: 23 TEXT
In its May 6, 1997 direct access decision (D.97-05-040) the California
Public Utilities Commission required that numerous workshops be held to
resolve various implementation aspects of the Commission's decision.
This announcement will serve as notice of a pre-workshop meeting for the
Customer Information Database workshop, to be held by the UDCs.
Previously, in the Direct Access Implementation Group Project Plan,
posted on the Direct Access Implementation Workshops web-site and served
on those people attending the last of the DAWG meetings, this
pre-workshop meeting was scheduled for June 10, 1997. No meetings are
now being held on June 10. This meeting (which is the last of the
pre-workshop meetings) will now be held on Friday, June 20, 1997 from
9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in San Francisco. The specific location has not
yet been determined; a notice concerning the location will be posted on
the web-site by June 11. This notice is being served on the e-mail
addresses of those who have attended prior pre-workshop meetings and is
being posted on the web-site established for Direct Access Implementation
Workshops at: Please contact Megan
Scott-Kakures at (818) 302-6855 with any questions regarding this