Consumer Information Data Base
Subject: Consumer Information Data Base
From: "Lui, Nora S." <>
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 1997 16:18:43 -0700
Organization: Southern California Edison
Subject: Direct Access Implementation
Consumer Information Data Base
From: Carl Silsbee, SCE
In preparation for the pre-workshop meeting on the Customer Information
Data Base, attached is the draft outline for the workshop report. A
pre-workshop meeting will be held this Friday, June 20, 1997 from 9 a.m.
to 12:30 p.m. at PG&E’s main office:
77 Beale Street, Room 308, San Francisco. Finalizing the outline will
be the primary objective of the meeting. An agenda for the pre-workshop
meeting is also attached.
The workshop is being held in compliance with CPUC decision 97-05-040.
Discussion of the workshop is shown at pages 73-75 of the decision as
excerpted below:
"PG&E and Edison also contend that the utilities should not be required
to provide data aggregation services to the electric service providers.
PG&E and Edison are concerned about the costs of doing this data
manipulation, as well as possible privacy or commercial sensitivity
concerns. They agree that it might be appropriate to provide market
participants with a data base of customer-specific usage information
with the identity of the customer removed, along with associated
locational and Standard Industrial Code (SIC) information. PG&E and
Edison propose that the cost for such information would be determined by
the Commission."
* * *
"We also agree with PG&E and Edison that data manipulated profiles, or
data aggregation studies, should not have to be offered by the UDCs. We
will require, though, that the UDCs offer a data base containing
customer-specific usage information and locational and SIC information,
with the identity of the customer removed. A workshop to address the
specifics of this data base, such as making the data base useful without
disclosing who the customer is, the cost of providing such information,
and the timing of providing such information, shall be facilitated by
representatives from PG&E, Edison, and SDG&E. The workshop should
consider whether other useful information such as seasonal load, and
time-of-use, should be made part of this database."
This outline and an agenda for the pre-workshop meeting will also be
posted to the Direct Access Implementation website