SDG&E Dynamic Load Profiles for June 1, 1998

TO: Load Profiling Website Participants

In accord with SDG&E's implementation schedule proposed in its Dynamic Load
Profiling Status Report (dated December 1, 1997), SDG&E began developing
dynamic load profiles on June 1, 1998.  Dynamic load profiles for June 1 are
included in the attached MS Excel 5.0 file.  This MS Excel file includes
seven of SDG&E's eight load profile categories (Lighting load profiles are
unchanged).  The start date for using SDG&E's dynamic load profiles for
settlement purposes is slated for July 1, 1998.  Daily updates to SDG&E's
dynamic load profiles will be available within the next few days at the
following Internet address: 

Until this website is available, the Dynamic Load Profiles will be posted on
the CPUC's LP website. 

SDG&E's Dynamic Load Profiles are in local time which is consistent with the
PX prices.  SDG&E's initial process for finalizing the dynamic load profiles
has required seven days, but SDG&E hopes to be able to develop and post the
dynamic load profiles more quickly by July 1, 1998.

As agreed to in the Load Profiling workshops the hourly units for SDG&E's
Dynamic Load Profiles will be at the total class level.  Population counts
are provided below and will be posted monthly on SDG&E's website.  These
population counts can be used to derive the average customer load for the
class -- by dividing the hourly load by the population count.  

Rate Class                     Population Counts

A6-TOU                                 17	
Large Commercial / Industrial         496	
Medium Commercial / Industrial     16,314	
AD                                    766	
Small Commercial                  104,314	
Residential                     1,054,660	
Agricultural                        3,648	
Lighting                            6,881

The attached Excel 5.0 spreadsheet will look similar to the viewing format
that will be posted on SDG&Es website.  SDG&E's website version will allow
you to download Dynamic Load Profiles to your PC.  These will be in ASCII
comma separated value (CSV)format.  The file layout will consist of

Please let me know if you have any questions or problems with this file.

Robert W. Hansen
SDG&E -- Pricing Strategies & Services
619-654-1114       Fax 1794
