RE: Meter Equipment - Draft #3 of Certification Testing Requireme nts

> Meter Equipment Subgroup,
> Attached is the Word 6.0 file of the draft #3 Meter Equipment document
> which includes the changes (revision marks) of what the group discussed
> and agreed on in the last meeting.
> After Tim and I sent it to our sub-team members for review,  Pat Corrigan
> of ABB called Young Nguyen to indicate that ABB has comments on the
> following three items:
> Section II.2.2. - revise a wording from "measurement" to "billing
> determinants" in the second sentence.
> Section II.3.1 - in Table II.3.1.a, move the vertical bar to the right by
> 1 to increase the allowable failures by one.  This may require some
> discussions and voting by the ME Group.
> Section II.5 and II.6 - Need clarifications in the last paragraph of each
> Section.  This will be discussed in the coming up meeting to clarify it.
> 	Tim Vahlstrom and Young Nguyen
> 	PG&E
> ----------
> From: 	Nguyen, Young
> Sent: 	Thursday, April 30, 1998 5:50 PM
> To: 	'';
> ''; ''
> Cc: 	Vahlstrom, Timothy; Stacey, Kirsten
> Subject: 	3rd draft of the Bob Lane's  Appendix B
> Pat
> Lauren
> <<File: 331drf3.doc>>
> Attached is the revised file according to what the PSWG discussed and
> agreed to in the meeting.  The revision marks show the changes.  As you
> may notice, I kept the last sentence of Sections II.1.5 so that it covers
> the production meters selected for certification testing, which I hope
> that you would not have a problem with.  Sections II.1.6 and II.2.2. have
> been revised to cover what we have discussed and hopefully agreed to in
> the meeting.  
> The rest I either deleted or kept them as agreed.
> Let me know if you would like to discuss this.  If you think some minor
> changes can be done via email, let's do so...
> Tim & Young 
> PG&E
> 415-973-1686