Security & SMDX Presentation
Subject: Security & SMDX Presentation
From: Thomas Chen <TCHEN@ETCOMM.COM>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 1998 12:03:13 -0700
Return-Receipt-To: <TCHEN@ETCOMM.COM>
The attached files are presentations made on May 26 PSWG MDM & MR
subcommittee meeting. The purpose of this presentation is to stir up
some discussions about (1) is there a need for security
(authentication and encryption) and (2) if yes, is possible to
standardize some portion of the security, particularly at the metering
The Semiconductor Manufacturer Data Exchange (SMDX) presentation is
included here only as an example work done in other industry.
After some discussion with Ed and others, I now realize that the
division using Meter Site and MDMA Server Site is too restrictive. We
can use Data Source and Data Destination, or some other such
terminology to generalize the problem. This way, we can include data
concentrator or router that does more than just routing function (such
as append additional ID data and time tag etc.) in regard to the
security issues
Thomas J. Chen
eT Communications Inc.
Tel: (408)-557-5355