Re: Plenary Minutes

I support Kirstens comments, particularly since she is reluctantly
providing the "typing" effort. I would challenge those who want to enter
into interminable debate to offer to pick up the "Typing" effort!

It would be ideal for us to provide rebuttal after rebuttal on minority
reports and majority reports, but it is not administratively possible to do
this in the time remaining or would it be productive..  The report of the
committee making recommendationms to the CPUC IS the MAJORITY
addittional majority reports should be permitted ...The majority had its
say and persuaded the majority to vote for the MAJORITY REPORT.  The
purpose of the minority report is to convey issues or parameters that are
inportant to a minority and may be of value in rendering a
decision.......The minority reports should be published, unedited and
unchallenged and should be portrayed as what they are....the opinion of one
or a few parties if so identified.  The reader(s) of the report must
understand that the MAJORITY, through  due process prevailed and
compromised to reach the recommendation that is in the MAJORITY REPORT.
The readers of the report must understand that some minority felt that it
was important enough to put pen to paper to convey issues that the group
either ignored or put less importance on than the minority did.  No
editorial committee or convenor or chair or corporation should be allowed
to limit, edit or couch the minority report of some concerned stakeholder
whose view did not prevail.

In summary:

1-  Vote by Email up or down if a stakeholder (read eleigble PSWG
stakeholder) supports the final  edited PSWG report with a section to
include unedited/unsocialized comments on the report or process.  Note:
PSWG stakeholders are of course encouraged to comment during the public
comment period  to the CPUC.

2- Permit the inclusion of unedited Minority reports authored individually
or joinly by multiple parties.

My  2 cents!

At 2:51 PM -0700 6/29/98, Stacey, Kirsten wrote:
>Attached are the Plenary minutes from the 6/25 meeting.
>I have been thinking about the discussion Thursday morning. I would propose
>that the Subgroup Chairs write up a summary of the issue and how their group
>arrived at the conclusion that became the final recommendation. The section
>of minority reports is for people who disagree with the conclusion. Parties
>who are supporting the PSWG recommendation can do that in their comments. We
>have set aside time on Monday's meeting for further discussion on this
> In the meantime, I would be interested to hear comments over the exploder
>on how we should proceed.
>Thank you.
>Kirsten Stacey
> <<PL6_25MI.DOC>>
>Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:PL6_25MI.DOC (WDBN/MSWD) (000028CD)

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