Digital Certificates

As a point of clarification in your Security Appendix, you seem to be saying
that we are not using Digital Certificates on the MDMA servers now.  It is
my understanding that all of the MDMA servers in fact have digital
certificates and that it is required by most, if not all,  Internet Server
Software in order to establish a secure sockets connection (SSL).  I know
for certain that SDG&E's server has a digital certificate.  It was my
understanding that it would be required for all MDMAs as an integral part of

We decided not to use client side certificates as they were not as reliable
and well implemented or documented as server side certificates.  This is
something that might be looked at in the future.  

It is a small point since we referring or deferring to the DQIWG, put I'd
like it to be clear where we are now.  
Ed McCann
Ed McCann
phone 619-654-6387
San Diego Gas & Electric
Information Technology Services
Advance Metering Team
