Re: Minority Comments?


On 7-13 -98, the PSWG agreed by a voice vote with no negative votes, that
rather than deal with the judgement of the editor, that all comments would
be included both minority and majority.  It was reported by Kirsten that
Bob Lane had advised us to include as many comments as possible.  At the
last June meeting, dates were established for submission of minority
comments only, but when the group agreed to include majority comments, it
was only fair to let parties who had not stated an intention to file
comments to change their minds.  The date was then changed to 7-20-98, but
the shear bulk of comments and  editorial changes inhibited a "clean" copy
of the Report from being made available quickly.  Kirsten then arbitrarily
but fairly extended the date until 7-24-98.  As she denied ORA comments
based on published meeting notes, I think she has resolved the issue and
acted appropriately.

I support your proposal to get on with it and publish the report, and if
comments must be provided, that they be done during the public comment
period.  Call me if you have further questions.  I will be in the office on
Wednesday 7-29.


Bill Buckley

At 10:20 PM -0700 7/27/98, Greg Lizak wrote:
>Kirtsen, Bill;
>I'm confused on the subject of inclusion of minority reports in the PSWG
>document.  I thought that minority reports were to be from those who voted
>in the minority, i.e., "no".  Was it decided that anyone can include
>comments; if so, then the comments should not be called "minority".  Did I
>miss a vote on including majority comments?  If a vote was taken, when was
>it taken?
>I'm concerned over extending the deadline for the ORA, as the cutoff  date
>for  PSWG recommendation's "minority comments"  has elapsed three times.
>In fairness to other parties who made a special effort to meet their
>commitments for comments, I haven't seen anything significant enough, such
>as quantitative economic impacts to ratepayers, to extend the deadline one
>more time.
>Let's publish the PSWG report, based on the comment dates all parties
>committed to, and move on.
>Gregory Lizak
>Star Data Services

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