Meter Worker Certification: Comments of PG&E, SDG&E and CCUE on M eter Worker Certification/D. 99-03-063
Subject: Meter Worker Certification: Comments of PG&E, SDG&E and CCUE on M eter Worker Certification/D. 99-03-063
From: "Vahlstrom, Timothy" <>
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 11:16:28 -0700
PSWG Participants
Attached is the filing ("the joint filing") that PG&E, SDG&E and CCUE
submitted to the CPUC on April 7, 1999 in response to the CPUC Decision
99-03-063. In this Decision, the CPUC denied the Application for Rehearing
of Decision D98-12-080 regarding the meter worker certification which was
filed by PG&E and SDG&E. Additionally, the CPUC modified Decision 98-12-080
to 1) order all parties to answer two questions within 20 days of the
Decision date (3/18/99), and 2) remove the ESP's burden of proving to the
UDCs that ESPs use the qualified meter workers to perform DA meter
installations. The two questions are A) What should be the composition of
the entity to administer the permanent certification program?, and B) How
should the interim certification program be modified to alleviate potential
competitive problems between the UDCs and MSPs?
The joint filing responded to these two questions and made a recommendation
to the CPUC that the PSWG Meter Installation, Maintenance, Testing and
Calibration Subgroup be reconvened to work out the details within a defined
Please review our the attached document and we would like to ask for your
support on our recommendations as noted in this filing. If you would like
to share any comments/viewpoints/supports, you could post them on this PSWG
Young Nguyen and Tim Vahlstrom
P.S.- Unfortunately, we only have a hard copy of the Decision D99-03-063,
but not an electronic copy to attach to this email. Hopefully, someone who
has an electronic copy of D99-03-063 will post it on this website.
> ----------
> From: Rice, Irene
> Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 1999 11:42 AM
> To: GenlCnsl Law R9404031 Elec Restruc
> Subject: Comments of PG&E, SDG&E and CCUE on Meter Worker
> Certification/D. 99-03-063
> Attached are the "Comments of Pacific Gas and Electric Company (U 39E),
> San Diego Gas and Electric Company (U 902M) and the Coalition of
> California Utility Employees on Meter Worker Certification in Response to
> Decision 99-03-063" that were filed today with the California Public
> Utilities Commission.
> Thank you.
> Irene Rice
> Secretary for Peter Ouborg