MC:5/12 Agenda and proposal


Attached is Young's most revision to the table (which I think addresses both
Schlumberger and Itron's concerns expressed in the last meeting.) I'm also
attaching the power point presentation that Nertec will be presenting at the
5/12 meeting. 

My proposed agenda is as follows:

Meter Communications Subgroup
Meeting Agenda
May 12, 1998
CTAC, Los Angeles

9:00-9:15	Review 4/28 meeting notes/approve agenda

9:15-9:45	Presentation on C12.19 (attached power point) Paul Aubin,

9:45-10:30	Discuss revised proposal, (see attached)
		Refine definitions

10:30-10:45	Break

10:45-11:30	C12.19 discussion

11:30-12:00 	Next Steps

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