PSWG-MDMA Meeting Notes, March 9
Subject: PSWG-MDMA Meeting Notes, March 9
From: Chris King <>
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 1998 06:35:24 -0800
The MDMA Group of the PSWG met on March 9, 1998. The meeting was
facilitated by Chris King. These notes have been delayed due to computer
hardware failure.
Paul Abuin, Nertec
Dan Barber, PG&E
Afarah Board, SCE
Bill Buckley, Itron
Ward Camp, Phaser
Cathy Chang, SCG
Pym Chartrand, GE
Thomas Chen, ETComm
Gary Ciardella, PG&E
Carolyn Clark, PG&E
Larry Colwell, SCE
Conrad Eustis, FirstPOint
Ed Hartzell, E-mon
Dave Jackson, SPP
Carolyn Kehrein, EMS for QST
Chris King, CellNet
Lorenzo Kristov, CEC
Greg Lizak, Itron
Valerie Maloy, PG&E
Ed McCann, SDG&E
Augie Nevolo, EPRI
Jamie Patterson, CEC
Jack Pazdon, GE
Jim Price, ORA
George Roberts, Schlumberger
Bill Rush, SCC31
Greg Sheran, SCE
Rick Silva, Tecom
Lee Simmons, Enron
Kevin Simonsen, EMS for QST
Kathy Smith, ABB
Kirsten Stacey, PG&E
David Sweeney, LADWP
Eric Woychik, CCN
Agenda Items:
1. MDM Business Requirements-General. First the group discussed the MDM
role and the group's scope. The group agreed that the MDM role to be
considered in this group was that of data collection, processing and
management is support of the billing and settlement process. This is the
minimum requirement. MDMAs are free to provide any other functionality the
market requires. A major issue that the CPUC has not dealt with is how data
associated with meter and customer changes is exchanged with MDMAs, and the
group agreed to deal with this. Finally, the group agreed that UFE is a
DQIWG issue.
2. MDM Business Requirements-Specific. Then, the group discussed the
document developed by Chris King. Following discussion, the group voted to
adopt the list of Functions in that document with one change (replacing
"meter reads" with "usage", as in the posting of usage data to the MDMA
The group then discussed the business requirements for the MDM. This is the
minimum list of items which an MDM must have in order to provide MDM
services. The group agreed on the following list:
a. Training
b. MDMA Server, including hardware and software, with an interface to ESPs
and UDCs
c. Security measures
d. Disaster recovery plan
e. MDM application software, including VEE software
f. Technical support desk
g. Documentation
h. Meter reading system (meter reading supplier and interface; i.e., a
source of meter reads)(the group will discuss meter reader business
requirements separately)
i. Data archiving system
Within these areas, Chris King's document included additional detail, which
was not generally discussed (except for one change, which was to replace
"CMEP" with "common output format"). The purpose of enumerating the
business requirements is to develop a common understanding of the MDM so as
to identify areas where standards or business rules might apply or be needed.
Finally, the group listed areas where service levels and business rules
must be ensured. These are areas where standards or business rules could
apply, and where the group agreed proposals would be developed and reviewed
by the group. In general, the starting point for such proposals is the
existing CPUC rules and requirements as adopted in D.97-12-048. The
following list was agreed upon:
a. Performance
i. MDMA Server
A. Length of availability of data on server (now 3 days)
B. Server availability (no CPUC requirement, though recommended
were in the MDCS Report and endorsed by the MDMA Users Group)
C. Data transfer capability (no CPUC requirement, same status as B.)
ii. Data timeliness (delivery to server; current CPUC rules in place)
b. VEE rules (current CPUC rules in place)
c. Training (now must be consistent with UDC training)
d. Security (CPUC rule is that there must be security, implying consistent
UDC measures, but unclear; MUG has agreed on certain recommendations)
e. Documentation (MDMAs must have documentation for their training programs)
f. Disaster recovery
i. Plan (a plan is required)
ii. Testing (no specific requirements)
g. Data formats and transfer mechanisms
i. Output format to ESP-UDC (now CMEP)
ii. Meter and customer changes or "meter-specific information flows" (no
rules in place; 10-15-97 RSIF report made recommendations)
iii. Exchange data with other MDMAs (no current rules other than CMEP)
iv. Common format for UDCs to communicate scheduled meter reading dates to
MDMAs (no current rule)
h. Universal Meter ID (now UDCs provide meter IDs for meters to be installed
in their service territories; D.97-12-048 called for a statewide standard)
i. MDMA approval process (now performed by UDCs)
On item h. the group agreed to coordinate closely with the UNISWG. On item
i. the group agreed that it would look at proposals after looking at
proposals on items a. through h.
3. Definitions. Lorenzo Kristov reported that work had begun on definitions
and asked for input from the group. The definitions team will provide a
draft of definitions prior to the next meeting.
4. Next Steps. The group agreed to the following:
a. Members will review the detailed list of MDM business requirements
(section 2 on Chris King's summary) and provide comments via e-mail to Chris.
b. Members will provide proposals on the areas where business rules or
standards potentially apply. Specifically, Kathy Smith agreed to provide a
VEE proposal, and Jim Price, Augie Nevolo and Kathy Smith agreed to work on
Data Formats and Transfer Mechanisms.
c. The group will meet again on Monday, March 30.
Due to the delay in these meeting notes, proposals must be e-mailed by
midnight on March 25 for discussion on March 30. A final agenda will be
e-mailed by 8 am on March 26, including agenda items proposed in the last
meeting and new proposals.
Thank you.
Chris S. King
Vice President, CellNet Data Systems, Inc.