PSWG-MDMA and MUG: EDI National Meeting - FYI

Given the discussions in the PSWG-MDMA subgroup on EDI, and ORA's proposal
to adopt EDI, I thought you might be intterested in the following. 

Chris King

>To: @ usinet
>From: @ usinet @ ABB_NOTES
>Date: 04/23/98 03:26:30 PM
>Subject: June Mtg, Columbus
>We're slowly working our way towards an agenda for our June meeting in the
>Hyatt Regency in Columbus.  I'll tell you what I know as of this moment, so
>you can start making plans for travel and rooms.
>We'll start our week Sunday afternoon, 5/31, with the usual new member
>orientation.  After that, we'll be introducing the nominees for offices, to
>be formally nominated at the General Session.  After that, discussion of
>any proposed changes to our Charter, discussion of best practices, and
>general roundtable sharing.  Sunday evening is free time; take a new member
>with you!
>On Monday and Tuesday, we'll have split sessions, Supplier and Customer.
>On the Customer side, the deregulation task group will be presenting the
>final drafts of the 810, 814, 867, and 248, in both 3070 and 4010, plus the
>proposed code list for SAC04.  A separate session will address progress to
>date on the development of implementation materials for complex invoices.
>On Tuesday afternoon, we'll discuss the UIG's presence in deregulation
>across the many states; Jay LeDuc from Green Mountain Energy Resources will
>share his thoughts on this subject  We have some good ideas of what UIG can
>do in this arena if we can get the participation of members.
>Suppliers can attend sessions on migration plans for Ver 4010/Y2K issues,
>as well as finalize our implementation and educational materials on
>procurement process and VMI.  We're still working on additional sessions
>which would be attractive to Suppliers; let us know what you want us to
>The social will be either Monday night or Tuesday nite, depending upon what
>the 'committee' decides!
>We're looking to finalize any outstanding guideline issues Wednesday
>morning, with the General Session Wednesday afternoon.  I'm anticipating
>that we'd be finished early enough on Wednesday that you could catch a 4:00
>p.m. or later flight.
>Finally, the deregulation task group will be staying over and meeting again
>on Thursday morning.
>For now, plan to be in attendance from Sunday afternoon through
>mid-afternoon Wednesday for all except the deregulation task group, who
>will meet again on Thursday.
>We'll post the final agenda as soon as possible.
