PSWG-MDMA Meeting Notes 4-28-98
Subject: PSWG-MDMA Meeting Notes 4-28-98
From: Chris King <>
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 16:59:08 -0700
The MDMA Group of the PSWG met on April 28, 1998 at PG&E's offices in San
Francisco. The meeting was facilitated by Chris King.
Joann Allen, SCG
Paul Aubin, Nertec
Dan Barber, PG&E
Bill Buckley, Itron
Duncan Cano, PG&E
Cathy Chang, SCG
Pymm Chartrand, GE
Thomas Chen, eT Comms.
Gary Ciardella, PG&E
Carolyn Clark, PG&E
Larry Colwell, SCE
Al Figueroa, SDG&E
Jeff Francetic, L&G
Mike Jaske, CEC
Chris King, CellNet
Teri Kuniyuki, LADWP
Jerry Larson, SCE
Mike Lehman, PG&E
David Malane, SCG
Anthony Mazy, ORA
Ed McCann, SDG&E
Paul Nelson, SCE
Lenlia Nichols, SCG
Ron Pate, ABB
Jamie Patterson, CEC
Jim Price, ORA
Ed Quiroz, ORA
George Roberts, Schlumberger
Sherman Severin, Coopers&Lybrand
Greg Sheran, SCE
Rick Silva, Tecom
Lee Simmons, Enron
Kathy Smith, ABB
Kirsten Stacey, PG&E
David Sweeney, LADWP
Amos Tsikayi, FirstPoint
Agenda Items:
1. VEE. Kathy Smith (ABB) reported in VEE discussions. There will be two
tests added to the interval data processing. There will be a discussion of
interval VEE following the MDMA-UDC meeting on May 5. Monthly VEE was
discussed at the MUG on April 27. The discussion will continue at a
follow-up MUG meeting on May 6 in San Diego. Please contact Kathy Smith for
The group also discussed coordinating with a national effort and endorsed
the subgroup's proposal to wait until the July PSWG report is completed,
then ask SCC31 to take on VEE on an ongoing basis. In addition, the group
agreed it was a good idea to get California's VEE rules published in an
industry publication. Lee Simmons (Enron)agreed to make a recommendation.
2. Review Plenary Vote Items. The group agreed to submit Vote Items #5 and
#6 with amendments and to withdraw Vote Item #7, thus overriding previous
agreement on this item. Lee Simmons will draft proposals for discussion for
the four standards mentioned in Vote Item #7 (MDMA Training Requirements,
MDMA Documentation Requirements, Disaster Recovery Plan Requirements, Data
Archiving Requirements).
In addition, the group discussed and agreed to support a proposal that
would recommend to the CPUC that MSP Certification include the ability of
MSPs to act as back-up meter readers. Ward Camp will write a specific
proposal on which the group can vote at the next meeting.
3. Security Issues. Anthony Mazy (ORA) reported that Ed Quiroz (ORA) has
posted a proposal on security on the PSWG website. Subgroup members will
review the proposal for discussion at the next meeting. In addition,
Anthony will ask Ed to provide information to enable subgroup members to
access ISO security information.
4. Meter ID Proposal. The group briefly discussed Chris King's (CellNet)
proposal for a universal format for Meter IDs. The group agreed that 1)
such IDs must be unique, 2) it is good to include the manufacturer code,
and 3) it is good to include the test code. However, the proposed use of
the manufacturer's serial number is problematic because at least one
manufacturer does not have unique serial numbers.
The group formed a subgroup to produce a revised proposal. It includes
Chris, Lee Simmons, George Roberts (Schlumberger), Dave Bernaudo (SCE),
Dave Jackson (SPP), Ed McCann (SDG&E), Anthony Mazy, and Duncan Cano (PG&E).
5. MDMA Technical Support Proposal. The group discussed and adopted Amos
Tsikayi's (FirstPoint) proposal with slight modifications:
"The MDMA will provide access to technical and business assistance during
normal business hours (8am to 5pm Pacific).
"At such times, staff will be available to address question and concerns on
data availability, corruption and adjustments, and systems technical support.
"In addition, the MDMA will provide access to a support pager available 24
hours a day/365 days a year.
"The MDMA shall respond and provide a status to all pages within 2 hours.
"MDMA Server availability or access issues will be dealt with as soon as
reasonably possible.
"At the MDMA's discretion, concerns over data availability, data corruption
and adjustments or non-urgent problems will be addressed during the next
business day."
6. Feedback on EDI Proposal. PG&E's attendees reported that the UIG will
approve direct access transaction sets 810 (billing), 814 (DASR), 820, 867
(historical meter data), and 248 in early July. The UDCs are continuing to
review potential effects of switching from CMEP to EDI. Jim Price's subteam
is targeting a revised EDI proposal for distribution to the group by May 8
for discussion May 12. Also, Bill Rush will examine and report on the
compatibility, if any, between EDI and ANSI C12.19.
The next meeting will be on May 12th in southern California.
Chris S. King