FW: UDC response to EDI format

Thanks very much to the utilities for preparing a specific response.  In
order to permit a timely discussion of their proposed transition plan, I
immediately asked them to please post it to the PSWG/ MDMA committee's
Web site, as soon as possible, but since that hasn't happened yet and
the Memorial Day weekend is quickly approaching, I'm making sure that it
becomes available.  Given that ORA's proposal was posted to the Web site
on March 23 (see
http://dra1.cpuc.ca.gov/wk-group/dai/pswg3/msg00011.htm) and discussed
at the committee's meeting on March 30 (see
http://dra1.cpuc.ca.gov/wk-group/dai/pswg3/msg00033.htm), Tuesday, May
26's committee meeting would be an appropriate time to consider their

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Colwell, Larry A [SMTP:colwella@sce.com]
> Sent:	Friday, May 22, 1998 3:03 PM
> To:	'jep@cpuc.ca.gov'
> Cc:	'Chris King'; 'Dan Barber'; 'Duncan Cano'; 'Ed McCann'; 'Keith
> Reed'; Schaefer, Ronald E; Board, Afarah ; Colwell, Larry A; Dempsey,
> Bob K; Lewis, Ernest R; Mcgrath, James J
> Subject:	UDC response to EDI format
> Jim Price
> Please find enclosed the UDC response to the EDI proposal.  If you
> have
> any questions, please feel free to contact me.
> Larry Colwell
> SCE 
> MDMA Project Manager <<052298~UDC~Draft.doc>> 
