RE: VEE - Holidays - for interval and monthly data

As with SCE, and most likely PG&E,  SDG&E CURRENTLY does not recognize
Martin Luther King Day and the Friday after Thanksgiving as holidays per our
rules.  I'm not sure what we are after here?  Are we talking about
estimation?  Kathy, could you enlighten me so I can respond?   
H. John VanderLinde
San Diego Gas & Electric
Billing Specialist
Phone: (619) 654-8380  Fax: (619) 654-8393 

> ----------
> From:
> Sent: 	Wednesday, June 10, 1998 6:08 AM
> To: 	        -         (052)MSL6(a);         -
> (052)hillrm(a);         -         (052)garciah1(a);
> -         (052)colwella(a);         -         (052)JECo(a);
> -         (052)diane.rihn(a);         -
> (052)msl6(a);         -
> (052)dciruli(a);         -
> (052)tom.lofgren(a);         -         (052)VJM3(a);
> -         (052)valerie(a);         -
> (052)dirksjd(a);         -         (052)ddc2(a);
> Vanderlinde, H. John;         -         (052)pswg3web(a);
> -         (052)pswg(a)
> Subject: 	VEE - Holidays - for interval and monthly data
> Please review the following list of holidays.  For holidays that fall on a
> specific date (New Year's, Martin Luther King, President's, Independence,
> Veteran's, and Christmas) - what if the date falls on a weekend?  Use the
> following Monday?
> 1.  New Years Day - January 1
> 2.  Martin Luther King's Birthday - January 19
> 3.  President's Day - February 16
> 4.  Memorial Day - last Monday in May
> 5.  Independence Day - July 4
> 6.  Labor Day - first Monday in September
> 7.  Veterans Day - November 11
> 8.  Thanksgiving Day and Friday after Thanksgiving - fourth Thursday in
> November &
> the subsequent Friday
> 9.  Christmas Day - December 25