PSWG-MDMA Meeting Notes 6-9-98
Subject: PSWG-MDMA Meeting Notes 6-9-98
From: Chris King <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 13:16:12 -0700
The MDMA Group of the PSWG met on June 9, 1998 at PG&E's offices in San
Francisco. The meeting was facilitated by Chris King.
Mike Anderson, Enron
Paul Aubin, Nertec
Dave Bernaudo, SCE
Diane Biegel, Enron
Mark Breitbart, Enron
Bill Buckley, Itron
Ward Camp, Phaser
Duncan Cano, PG&E
Cathy Chang, SCG
Pymm Chartrand, GE
Thomas Chen, eT Comms.
Jeff Francetic, L&G
Chris King, CellNet
Teri Kuniyuki, LADWP
Jerry Larson, SCE
Mike Lehman, PG&E
Valerie Maloy, PG&E
Ed McCann, SDG&E
Augie Nevolo, EPRI
Valerie Nibler, Energy Interactive
Jamie Patterson, CEC
Jim Price, ORA
Ed Quiroz, ORA
George Roberts, Schlumberger
Greg Scheran, SCE
Lee Simmons, Enron
Kathy Smith, ABB
Kirsten Stacey, PG&E
David Sweeney, LADWP
Amos Tsikayi, FirstPoint
Agenda Items:
1. EDI. Update: Jim Price has mapped CMEP to EDI and continues work on use
of EDI for Meter Specific Information Flows. He has also tested using EDI
over the Internet, with files as large as 34 megabytes, without
encountering problems. Jim further reported that Bank of America and
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory tested use of the Internet for EDI in 1995 and
found no significant problems. Diane Biegel made a presentation on use of
EDI in the gas industry and discussed implementation of EDI via the Gas
Industry Standards Board (GISB). I have asked her to post the presentation
to the website.
ACTION: The group voted to adopt Jim's proposal that EDI for meter data be
implemented by January 1, 1999. At that point, EDI could be used instead of
CMEP. This item will be forwarded to the Plenary for voting on June 25,
1998. Jim's proposal is to adopt a narrow version of EDI to minimize
requirements, followed by a more robust implementation over time. It is
also to use only Transaction Set 867 for metering data, so the UDCs do not
have to support both 810 and 867 for metering data.
ACTION: In addition, Jim volunteered to coordinate electronic commerce
efforts with the Customer Data Transactions Working Group. There were no
objections to this proposal.
2. VEE. Kathy Smith reported continuing progress, with more meetings and
conference calls. The VEE team plans to have a recommendation ready by June
18 for action at the next PSWG-MDMA meeting, on June 23rd. Any party
interested in VEE should participate now and try to refrain from
introducing comments at the June 23rd meeting for the first time. Also, we
encouraged SCE to participate more actively, as SCE did not participate in
the VEE meeting. Please contact Kathy Smith for details.
3. UDC-MDMA Meeting. The next UDC-MDMA meeting will be on June 19th, hosted
by SCE in Newport Beach.
4. Next Meeting. The next PSWG-MDMA subgroup meeting is June 23 in San
Francisco. Chris King will not be available to facilitate; please contact
him if you are willing to do so.
Thank you.