Re: Group 4 Activities
Michelle, if there is any way you could commit to this additional burden, I
would welcome you as the chair. You bring the advantage of being a truly
neutral party.
> From: Michele Wynne <>
> To:;
> Subject: Group 4 Activities
> Date: Wednesday, March 04, 1998 12:26 PM
> Attached is the 'straw dog' outline of the Activities for the Meter
> Installation, Maintenance, Testing and Calibration group. Many thanks to
> Young Nguyen, Tim Vahlstrom, Mario Natividad, Leslie Sabin and Jerry
> for their work on this document.
> Please review and send comments to me. I will incorporate the comments
> repost the document on Friday, March 6.
> Also, think about who you want for a permanent chair for Group 4 (meter
> Installation, Maintenance, Testing, and Calibration). The UDC
> representatives have indicated that they are not interested in serving as
> chair.
> Thanks
> Michele Wynne