Permanent Standards WG Committee 4

Last update: Mon Feb 01 11:00:41 99
66 messages in chronological order

Listing format is the following:

* Subject From (Date)

* What groups are active? Shannon Black (02/01/99)
* (no subject) Robert L. Howse (12/14/98)
* No Subject Belcheff, Larry (08/14/98)
* subscribe Gary Kroll (07/20/98)
* Final Sections I and II Michele Wynne (06/30/98)
* Final Sections for June 24 meeting Michele Wynne (06/22/98)
* Revised Section I Nguyen, Young (06/18/98)
* meter info flows proposal WCAMP (06/17/98)
* Phasor Submittal Michele Wynne (06/08/98)
* Agenda for June 10th Meter Installation Michele Wynne (06/07/98)
* Sections for June 10 Meetint Michele Wynne (06/05/98)
* SDG&E Comments on Draft 9b Sabin, Leslie (06/04/98)
* Meter Installation Agenda Addition Michele Wynne (06/02/98)
* RE: Meter Installation - Section 2 Comme Kong, Eugene (05/27/98)
* Draft 9a - Section 1, Meter Worker Requi Nguyen, Young (05/25/98)
* Meter Installation - Section 2 Michele Wynne (05/22/98)
* Electrical Meter Worker Skills and Safet Nelson, Paul D (05/21/98)
* PSWG Definitions - Version 5/21/98 LORENZO KRISTOV (05/21/98)
* RE: MDMA/MSP Agenda item - Ability of MD kathy.smith (05/21/98)
* RE: MDMA/MSP Agenda item - Ability of MD Mazy, Anthony (05/21/98)
* MDMA/MSP Agenda item - Ability of MDMA t kathy.smith (05/21/98)
* Agenda Items for "Unaccounted For" Consu Mazy, Anthony (05/18/98)
* Objection to Language that UDCs may Revi Chris King (05/14/98)
* Secttions 1 and 2 Michele Wynne (05/14/98)
* Sections 3,4,5 Final Draft Michele Wynne (05/14/98)
* Draft 7 of Qualifications and Installati Michele Wynne (05/08/98)
* Final Draft Sections Michele Wynne (05/08/98)
* Revision 5 to Meter Installation report Michele Wynne (04/27/98)
* Re: Comment on 4-15 Meeting Notes AMT - Mario Natividad (04/17/98)
* RE: Comment on 4-15 Meeting Notes Pananen, Lauren (04/17/98)
* Comment on 4-15 Meeting Notes Chris King (04/16/98)
* PSWG Subgroup April 15 Meeting Summary Michele Wynne (04/15/98)
* Watt-hour Standards Testing Pananen, Lauren (04/13/98)
* Group 4 Sampling Req Pananen, Lauren (04/13/98)
* Group 4 Sections 1 and 2 Draft 3 Michele Wynne (04/12/98)
* MSP meeting Dates James Kerr (04/09/98)
* PSWG Issues Raised in VEE Conference Cal kathy.smith (04/08/98)
* No Subject Michele Wynne (04/08/98)
* PSWG Definitions LORENZO KRISTOV (04/03/98)
* PSWG Definitions LORENZO KRISTOV (04/03/98)
* Group 4 Agenda Michele Wynne (03/28/98)
* Meter Installation Section 1 Draft Michele Wynne (03/28/98)
* MAPPING AND PHASER PROPOSAL Michele Wynne (03/28/98)
* Meter standards strawman Bill_Rush (03/25/98)
* Meter Installation Section 2 Michele Wynne (03/24/98)
* No Subject Bill Buckley (03/24/98)
* Meter-Specific Info Rpt 10/15/97 Conrad Eustis (03/24/98)
* Subgroup 4 summary for 3/11/98 meeting Michele Wynne (03/22/98)
* re:Maps of existing standards and docume DMN5%Fsv%Csv (03/20/98)
* Input for Meter Installation, Maintenanc Pananen, Lauren (03/20/98)
* PSWG Committee 4 Vuong Nguyen (03/16/98)
* ANSI C12.20-199X--0.2 & 0.5 Accuracy Cla Pananen, Lauren (03/13/98)
* Bob Lane Letter 11/24/97, the other two DMN5%Fsv%Csv (03/06/98)
* Bob Lane Letter 11/24/97, two of the fou DMN5%Fsv%Csv (03/06/98)
* Bob Lane Letter 11/24/97 DMN5%Fsv%Csv (03/06/98)
* Bob lane Letter 11/24/97 DMN5%Fsv%Csv (03/06/98)
* re:PSWG Meter Communications DMN5%Fsv%Csv (03/05/98)
* Re: Group 4 Activities Greg Lizak (03/04/98)
* Re: Group 4 Activities AMT - Mario Natividad (03/04/98)
* Group 4 Activities updated list Michele Wynne (03/04/98)
* Group 4 Activities Michele Wynne (03/04/98)
* Group 4 Meeting summary Michele Wynne (03/04/98)
* Meter Installation Documents Michele Wynne (02/18/98)
* URG: Meeting Location Change KSM8%GIR%BCS (02/18/98)
* PSWG meetings KSM8%GIR%BCS (02/06/98)

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