RE: MDMA/MSP Agenda item - Ability of MDMA to remotely reprogram
Subject: RE: MDMA/MSP Agenda item - Ability of MDMA to remotely reprogram
From: "Mazy, Anthony" <>
Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 11:08:46 -0700
I do not see a conflict here. We are defining the minimum requirements
for MSPs and MDMAs, respectively. So long as the MSP retains both
control of, and responsibility for, meter programming and the MDMA does
not violate any security concerns with regard to non-meter reading
functions appropriate to other parties, then the MSP can use any
appropriate means it chooses to perform its functions. Is there any
part of your concern that I may be overlooking?
Anthony Mazy
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []
> Sent: Thursday, May 21, 1998 11:00 AM
> To: - (052)pswg4web(a); -
> (052)pswg3web(a); -
> (052)pswg(a)
> Subject: MDMA/MSP Agenda item - Ability of MDMA to remotely
> reprogram
> If an MDMA has the ability to remotely communicate with a meter, it
> would be
> more economical to allow an MDMA to remotely reprogram a meter in the
> cases
> where a site visit is not required than to actually send someone on
> site. This
> ability is not an MDMA requirement or responsibility, but could be a
> value
> added service. I understand meter programming is presently the
> responsibility
> of the MSP, and would like to suggest that an MSP be allowed to
> subcontract
> with an MDMA to remotely reprogram meters where appropriate. The MSP
> would
> retain responsibility for the meter programming.