Sections for June 10 Meetint
Subject: Sections for June 10 Meetint
From: Michele Wynne <>
Date: Fri, 05 Jun 1998 14:00:32 -0700
Attached is a revised version of Section 1 (G4s1-10) coordinated by PG&E
with inputs from various entities including SCE, LADWP, AMT, Phaser. Added
to the section information is the inclusion of the existing (Mspapk1) and
revised (Mspapk2) MSP certification package. I have reordered the previous
Section 1B to separate the functional requirements for certification of
MSP's and Meter Workers from the entity certifying them.
Also attached is a revised version of Section 2 (G4s2-9b) with edit notes
coordinated again by PG&E. In addition to the marked changes some section
names have been changed and PG&E has offered a revision to Section II.4.4
on installing meters at new construction.
The June 10th meeting will focus on:
1) completing Section I.A for submittal to the Plenary
2) reviewing additions to section II proposed by Phasor (will be posted by
June 8),
3) completing section II including developing agreement on section II.4.4
3) completing Sections I.B and I.C.
4) If there is time, we will revisit the certification entity issue
(section I.D)
MS Word file
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