Proposal for Meter-Specific Information Flow Using EDI

On March 24, Conrad Eustis redistributed the October 15, 1997, report
titled "Meter-Specific Information Flows", and stated:  "The relevant
transactions and requirement listed in this report need to be brought
into the PSWG requirements.  Meter installers will have responsibility
to read the old and new meters. MDMAs will need this information in
order to provide continuity of interval data reported on a monthly
basis.  The transactions listed in this report form the starting point
for defining the permanent requirements."
I have stated at meetings of the MDMA subteam of PSWG that I am
interested in seeing ANSI-standard EDI used for this purpose and that I
was preparing a proposal for this EDI usage.  The result of this work is
attached.  Because similar issues have arisen in the Rule 22 Direct
Access Tariff Review committee, I am posting this proposal there as well
as in the PSWG/ MDMA Web site.  I will be interested in any comments
from others as to whether improvements can be made in this proposed
usage of EDI.  This proposal can be discussed at upcoming meetings.
