FW: Operations Coordinating Committee Meeting Notes

Attached are the final meeting notes, attendee list, org chart and the
priority list from the last OCC meeting of 8/28.  I apologize for not
getting this out sooner but I only had one small coment to add to the list
so nothing changed from the draft that was sent out on 9/3.  
I'll bring copies of the priority list for our meeting on Monday 10/5.
Dan Barber

> ----------
> From: 	Barber, Daniel
> Sent: 	Thursday, September 03, 1998 8:54 AM
> To: 	'tariff@dra1.cpuc.ca.gov'
> Subject: 	Operations Coordinating Committee Meeting Notes
>  <<0831att.doc>>  <<drocc828.doc>>  <<rul22or.ppt>>  <<priresp.doc>> 
> Partners:
> Attached for your review and update are the attendee list, the meeting
> notes, and a new revised org chart of the various sub-groups that are
> involved with Rule 22 and the Operations Coordinating Committee.  Please
> review them, send in your comments and I'll compile all the comments so
> the
> meeting notes can be finalized and sent to the wewb site.  
> Since I'll be out for the next two weeks (some vacation, lots of business
> meetings), please have your comments in by close of business 9/18.
>  <<0831att.doc>>  <<drocc828.doc>>  <<rul22or.ppt>> 
> I have also attached the matrix of the Priority of Response that some of
> the
> OCC participants sent in.  This is a compilation of issues and concerns
> that
> some of you emailed.  As an explanation of the matrix, I identified the
> issue, gave the priority assigned by the originator (when given) and
> filled
> in any comments from the orginator.  Where I inserted my own comments just
> for updates are identifed in italics and in blue.  Please look these over
> add any issues or concerns, give us your comments and assign a priority
> number. 
> Remember our priority listings are:
> 1.  Obstacle to business today
> 2.  Have work around but it is painful
> 3.  Surviving but needs ultimate resolution.
> After receiving all responses, I will compile the comments and have the
> results for the OCC group to look at for the next meeting on October 5th.
> Again, please have your responses back to be by Friday September 18th.
>  <<priresp.doc>> 
> thanks
> Dan Barber
> Restructuring Dept
> PG&E
> (415)973-3026
> dpb2@pge.com



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