Draft "Requirements" Document for 11/9-10 Meter Usage Data Meetin g

Attached is a revised draft of the Business Requirements document that is in
preparation by the Meter Usage Data task group.  This version still needs
work, and I have yet to pull Attachment A (Issues with Technical Group
Resolution) together, but this has enough substance in readable form to
warrant discussion at Monday's and Tuesday's meeting.  (We will be looking
for volunteers to refine those sections that they think need work.)


Jim Price, ORA, jep@cpuc.ca.gov

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Price, James E. [SMTP:jep@cpuc.ca.gov]
> Sent:	Friday, November 06, 1998 10:34 AM
> To:	emccann@sdge.com; rrg4@pge.com; trp8@pge.com; schindme@sce.com;
> wenzelre@sce.com; brubakw@sce.com; colwella@sce.com; estradm@sce.com;
> calba@sdge.com; patrick.bouquet@pgees.com; kathy.smith@ustra.mail.abb.com;
> toml@cellnet.com; jeco@pge.com; ddc2@pge.com; axsj@pge.com;
> mcgratjj@sce.com; kxh1@pge.com; abp3@pge.com; prcassid@srp.gov;
> cray@c3com.com; tariff@dra1.cpuc.ca.gov; tariffweb@dra1.cpuc.ca.gov
> Subject:	Agenda/Location for 11/9-10 Meter Usage Data Meeting
> Attached is the proposed agenda for the Monday & Tuesday, Nov. 9 & 10,
> Meter
> Usage Data task group meeting.  Both days will be at the CPUC building,
> 505
> Van Ness Ave., San Francisco -- Monday in Room 4211, and Tuesday in Room
> 4206.
> A revised draft of the business requirements document will distributed
> early
> this afternoon.
> If any task group participant needs to phone in due to travel
> restrictions,
> please send me an email note to get instructions.
>  <<mtgB0998.doc>> 
> ---
> Jim Price, ORA, jep@cpuc.ca.gov
>  << File: mtgB0998.doc >> 
