FW: Service Delivery Point (a.k.a. UNI) Meeting Follows 11/10 Met er Usage Data Meeting
Subject: FW: Service Delivery Point (a.k.a. UNI) Meeting Follows 11/10 Met er Usage Data Meeting
From: "Price, James E." <jep@cpuc.ca.gov>
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 1998 13:15:49 -0800
A recent conference call discussion resulted in scheduling a meeting
regarding implementation of Service Delivery Point identifiers (also known
as the Universal Node Identifier, UNI) for the afternoon of the second day
that had been scheduled and announced by the Meter Usage Data task group.
The SDP meeting follows the Meter Usage Data meeting, and is in the same
location. Lorenzo Kristov has added the agenda for the SDP meeting as an
annotation to the Meter Usage Data agenda, as attached.
Jim Price, ORA, jep@cpuc.ca.gov
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lorenzo Kristov [SMTP:Lkristov@energy.state.ca.us]
> Sent: Friday, November 06, 1998 11:02 AM
> To: jep@cpuc.ca.gov
> Subject: Agenda/Location for 11/9-10 Meter Usage Data Meeting -Reply
> Jim - [...] Since some of the same people will be involved, would you
> send a revised version that incorporates the SDP part of the meeting? I've
> attached a red-line version of your agenda with my suggested changes.
> Thanks - Lorenzo
> >>> <jep@cpuc.ca.gov> 11/06/98 10:34am >>>
> Attached is the proposed agenda for the Monday & Tuesday, Nov. 9 & 10,
> Meter
> Usage Data task group meeting. Both days will be at the CPUC building,
> 505
> Van Ness Ave., San Francisco -- Monday in Room 4211, and Tuesday in Room
> 4206.
> A revised draft of the business requirements document will distributed
> early
> this afternoon.
> If any task group participant needs to phone in due to travel
> restrictions,
> please send me an email note to get instructions.
> <<mtgB0998.doc>>
> ---
> Jim Price, ORA, jep@cpuc.ca.gov
> <<MTGB0998.DOC>>