FW: SCE PX Energy Factor Format Change
Subject: FW: SCE PX Energy Factor Format Change
From: "Fellows, Donald A" <FELLOWDA@sce.com>
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 15:48:02 -0800
As requested at SCE's ESP Open House, we are splitting up the format for the
PX Energy Factors into two components labeled Energy Charge and Settlement
Charge. The Energy Charge includes the cost of hour ahead and day ahead
purchases. The Settlement Charge includes settlement costs, ancillary
services and administrative charges. In order to facilitate the transition
to the new formats, we will continue to post the old format for 2 weeks in
addition to the new format starting on December 7. If the 2 week transition
is not long enough, please advise me or Robert Ramirez. A comparison of the
old and new formats is shown in the attachment to the following note.
Don Fellows
Southern California Edison
Phone 626-302-8175
FAX 626-302-1626
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ramirez, Robert
> Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 1998 1:58 PM
> To: Fellows, Donald A
> Subject: SCE PX Energy Factor Format Change
> Development to separate SCE's PX Energy Factors into Energy and Settlement
> Charges is complete. Implementation will be December 7th. Old and new
> formats will be posted on SCE's web-site for two weeks.
> Attach is a comparison between the two formats.
> <<PX Factors .doc>>