FW: IMPORTANT MTG NOTICE - DASR Bus Rules/Issues (1/21 in Costa M esa)
Subject: FW: IMPORTANT MTG NOTICE - DASR Bus Rules/Issues (1/21 in Costa M esa)
From: "Schindel, Mark E" <SCHINDME@sce.com>
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 04:57:59 -0800
> Since next week is shaping up as a very full week of important Direct
> Access meetings, I want to give people a heads-up so they can make any
> necessary travel accommodations.
> DASR MEETING on Thursday (Jan 21st)
> WHAT/WHEN - On Thursday (1/21), SCE will host an important meeting to
> finalize the DASR Business Rules and Policies, necessary to implement the
> new DASR EDI Enrollment and Account Maintenance process. Chris Alba
> (SDG&E) is currently assembling a list of Business Rules, Policies, and
> Issues to be discussed and resolved at this meeting. If you have any
> information to contribute to this list, please send to Chris at:
> calba@sdge.com. Chris will be sending out a finalized list for review
> prior to the DASR meeting.
> WHERE - The meeting will take place from about 8:30am to 4pm at:
> Doubletree Hotel
> 3050 Bristol Street
> Costa Mesa, CA
> (714) 540-7000
> (NOTE: If you need to make hotel arrangements to stay overnight,
> particularly those who plan to also attend Edison's ESP Open House the
> next day, 1/22, at this same hotel, you can receive a discounted rate if
> you tell the Hotel you are part of the "ESP/Edison Group".)
> WHO SHOULD ATTEND - This meeting on DASR Business Rules, Policies, and
> Issues is primarily intended for Business and Operations decision-makers
> from Market Participants who work with DASRs and want to have some say in
> the consistent Business requirements to be implemented with the new EDI
> DASRs and Account Maintenance transactions. If you plan to attend this
> meeting, please let me know (schindme@sce.com); including if you plan to
> stay over for the ESP Open House. Thanks for your involvement and
> contribution.
> Other Important Meetings
> Here are several other important meetings scheduled for next week,
> with the person to contact for additional information, if necessary:
> BILLING BUSINESS RULES meeting on Tuesday (1/19) in San Diego
> (Ernie Lewis - lewiser@sce.com)
> SDP meeting on Wednesday (1/20) in San Diego
> (Lorenzo Kristov - lkristov@energy.state.ca.us)
> ESP OPEN HOUSE (sponsored by SCE) on Friday (1/22) in Costa Mesa
> (Denise Grant - grant@sce.com or Kelly Garcia - garciaka@sce.com)
> A very BUSY time, next week. So, stay tuned for additional details on all
> these meetings. Thanks.
> Regards,
> Mark Schindel
> Southern California Edison Co