Conference Call Jan. 25 re MDMA Responsibility for Bill-Ready Data

As discussed at the Rule 22 committee and OCC meetings, a conference call
will discuss an unresolved policy issue resulting from the Meter Usage Data
task group's development of California's EDI implementation guideline for
transaction set 867, to replace the CMEP data format.  Based on feedback
among task group members, I will arrange the call for MONDAY JANUARY 25,
starting at 10 AM.  I will announce the call-in number later next week.

This unresolved issue is to define whether the MDMA's responsibility to
provide bill-ready data involves putting data in a consistent format
(interval or cumulative) for a complete billing cycle that contains a change
of meter type, vs. providing the type of data that was actually recorded,
etc.  This is stated as follows in the "Summary of Recommendations:  EDI
Implementation Project for Meter Usage Data" document presented at the OCC
meeting, and attached to this note:

"The type of data to be reported when a billing period contains both
cumulative and interval meters for portions of the period, due to a meter
change (not to meter failure or hazardous condition), was discussed without
resolution.  The unresolved technical issue highlights an underlying policy
issue involving the role of the MDMA, for example in defining the extent of
responsibility for providing bill-ready data to the UDC.  This type of
policy issue was felt to be beyond the scope of this task group's activity,
so this issue is referred to OCC and the Rule 22 committee.  The
alternatives for type of data to be reported in this situation include but
are not limited to (in no particular order):
* Cumulative data if part of the billing period has a cumulative meter,
* Data corresponding to the type of meter in place at the end of the billing
period, or
* Mixed data providing each meter's type of data for the period in which it
was present."

Jim Price, ORA,
