MSS Working Group Update & Scheduling Implementation

Several attachments are enclosed for your review and comment from the Meter
Specific Services Working Group.  Please send comments or revisions to Sue
Sponsel ( or Teresa Acuna ( by Monday, February

The new scheduling (summarized by Don Fellows of SCE on the Rule 22 list)
will be implemented on January 21, 1999.  Updates to the handbook are
attached with DRAFT language on the new scheduling procedures.  Many of the
specifics are still in DRAFT form (joint-udc-esp-metering-handbook.doc), so
suggestions to ease implementation are welcome.  A listing of codes that
could be used  to confirm schedules is also attached for your feedback(sched
confirmation codes.doc).  

The meeting minutes are attached (mss mtg minutes 112.doc) for review and
update.  Finally, to complete your reading enjoyment we have attached the
list of grouped issues and participants that will work off line on these
metering issues prior to our next meeting (mssiss~1.doc).

The next meeting will be a 2 day working session in So.Ca. on February 22-23
with the host and location TBD before the next OCC meeting.

Sue Sponsel
415.973.6457 office
415.207.3611 pager

  <<Joint-UDC-ESP-Metering-Handbook.doc>>       <<sched confirmation
 <<mss mtg minutes 112.doc>>  <<mssiss~1.doc>> 



