3/29 - MSS Meeting in San Francisco!

A meeting reminder, the Meter Specific Services Working Group meeting will
be held on Monday, March 29, 1999 in San Francisco.  The meeting will start
at 9 AM and run to 4:30PM in Room 301 B at 77 Beale Street.  Coffee, juice
and morning snacks will be served, however lunch is on your own.   Please
RSVP to Sue Sponsel (sjs3@pge.com) if you plan to attend.
Nearby hotels include the Hyatt Regency, Embarcadero Center, and the Harbor
Court Hotel on Spear Street. You may contact the San Francisco Convention
and Visitors Bureau (1-888-782-9673) for a listing of hotels.

Suggested attendees include MSS participants, ESP representatives that have
any connection to metering decisions or Metering information, any MDMA's
that are interested in meter related information, all MSPs.  We aren't
looking for DASR or EDI expertise as a focus for this meeting, more business
process interest.

The final agenda includes the following topics:
Old Business 
1.  "Day of Install" - Instructions for the MIRN form as requested by MDMAs
2.  Panel Upgrade process - Review the draft process and documentation for

New Topics
1.  Business Process Documentation
2.  Meter Information (MI) transaction - Information requirements and 
consistency (This will NOT include any DASR requirements discussion,
although we expect the MI to follow an accepted DASR when meter changes are
required or requested.)

We have included several documents for your review if you have a chance
before the meeting.  Related to Old Business, I have included the OCC
presentation (mar 2 occ present.ppt), the MSP Business Context Diagram
(msp-dfd.doc), the final "Day of Install Proposal" from the MDMA group, and
the Panel Upgrade documentation (Panel upgrade mss.doc).  We will share the
Visio pictures for the Panel Upgrade at the meeting.  Finally, we have
included a draft of metering business processes

 <<Day of Install Proposal.txt>>  <<mar 2 occ present.ppt>>  <<MSP-DFD.doc>>

 <<Panel Upgrade mss.doc>>  <<DA-metering-common-process-definition.doc>> 

Sue Sponsel
415.973.6457 office
415.207.3611 pager
There is a need for a determination to be made on the exact time a customer becomes the responsibility of a new party.  Who is responsible for the data gap that occurs when a meter is removed and the new meter is installed?  When does the customer become the responsibility of the new owner?

It has been discussed, argued and debated between all market participants for the last few months.  The decision that everyone has come to is as follows:

The customer will be considered Direct Access or have a New Owner when the originating meter is removed.  
The new party will be responsible for data (including posting and settlement) beginning the first full interval after meter removal.  This means that the new MDMA will be responsible for estimating, as necessary, the data gap from removal to installation.
The new MDMA will use the EVENT TIME on the MIRN form as the guide for determining the first interval to be estimated and posted.
The originating party will be responsible for the last full interval at meter removal.

(example:  Originating meter is pulled at 9:50am.  The new MDMA will be responsible for posting data beginning at the 10:15am interval, or 10:01 to 10:15.  The original party will be responsible for the 10:00am interval, or 9:46 to 10:00.)

4Event Date - This will reflect the date the meter work occurred.
5Event Time - This will reflect the Event Time based on the definition of Meter Activity:
3Meter Activity - 
CHANGE - When the customer goes DA or changes ESPs and there is a meter removal and meter installation occurring on the same day, the Event Time will reflect the meter removal time.
SET - Event Time will reflect the Meter set time for an initial meter installation.
REMOVE - Event Time will reflect the meter removal time when a meter is removed and no new meter is installed.
CONFIG CHG - Event Time will reflect the meter configuration change or correction when there is no meter change.

MDMA group is requesting that the 'CHANGE' definition be corrected under Meter Activity.
A box will be included on the MIRN to indicate if customer is de-energized or not.  The default is 'NO'.  Box would be marked 'Y' if customer were de-energized. 
There will not be a 'Customer de-energized/re-energized' date/time as the scenarios where a customer is de-energized are very rare.  The majority of meter change-outs are transformer rated and energy continues flowing throughout the change-out.  If a circumstance arises that the customer is de-energized, the following information will need to be completed in the 'Remarks' section:
Date/Time customer is de-energized
Date/Time customer is re-energized
Date/Time new meter is energized.

The consensus was the MIRN should not be exception driven.

Produced by:
Charity Hughes
MDMA Specialist
Enron Energy Services



