EDI 814 Mtg - 4/26 at SCE Ontario Service Center

    As a follow-up to my previous note, here are some further details on the
EDI 814 DASR/Account Maintenance meeting to be held on April 26th.  The
meeting will be at SCE's Ontario Service Center (same location as the
meeting on April 6th), which is located at 1351 East Francis Street, less
than 5 miles from the Ontario Airport and Ontario Marriott Hotel (let me
know if you want a map faxed to you).  The meeting will run from 9:30am to
5pm.  A continental breakfast shack will be available around 9am, and lunch
will be provided at the site.  The tentative agenda items include:
	*	Discuss Testing and Transition planning for Market
Participants going to new EDI 814
	*	Finish full EDI 814 v4010 Mapping Guide for California
	*	Update Transaction Matrix for BGN01/ASI01/ASI02 combinations
	*	Review 997 Response
	*	Discuss handling Meter Info communications that are outside
the DASR
	*	Discuss potential handling of other Info Requests via EDI
	*	Discuss future EDI 814 "clean-up"
	*	Review and Discussion of Issues raised at earlier sessions
If you have any other items that you would like included for this meeting's
agenda, please let me know by Thursday (4/22).  Also, please RSVP by
Thursday (4/22) if you plan to attend this meeting.  An accurate headcount
will be most helpful in planning the room and meal accommodations.  Thank
you for your cooperation and participation.

   Mark Schindel
   Southern California Edison Co

> ----------
> From: 	Schindel, Mark E
> Sent: 	Friday, April 09, 1999 5:50 PM
> To: 	'tariff@dra1.cpuc.ca.gov'; 'tariffweb@dra1.cpuc.ca.gov'
> Cc: 	'schindme@sce.com'; 'calba@sdge.com'; 'dsadler@sdge.com';
> 'hmontes@sdge.com'; 'rrg4@pge.com'; 'swhyte@enron.com';
> 'patrick.bouquet@pgees.com'; 'jep@ora.ca.gov'; 'phoward@powersavers.com';
> 'richard_krough@orcom.com'; 'andrew.madden@cellnet.com';
> 'jsmollon@newwestenergy.com'; Wenzel, Ray E; Lotspeich, David M; Brubaker,
> Wendy; Mesco, Tracy M; Ochoa, Alfred R; Calles, Ernesto; Chang, Katy  ;
> Sandro-Yepes, Pol; Chan, Patty
> Subject: 	EDI 814 Mtg Notes & Updated Data Dictionary from 4/6 & 4/7
> Importance: 	High
> Please review the following Meeting Notes and updated Data Dictionary from
> the recent sessions on the EDI 814 v4010 mapping & documentation for
> California consistency in the DASR / Account Maintenance transactions.  In
> particular, check the proposed new codes to be requested from UIG (see in
> Meeting Notes).  If you have any comments or see the need for additional
> codes, please contact Chris Alba (calba@sdge.com) or myself
> (schindme@sce.com) by Tuesday (4/13), so we can bring it up at the UIG
> Deregulation Task Force meetings on 4/14 - 4/16.  Also, please make note
> that the NEXT meeting to finalize the remaining items related to this
> DASR/Acct Maint area is scheduled for APRIL 26th (from 9:30am - 5:00pm,
> near the Ontario Airport - exact location to be determined).  Special
> thanks to those who participated in the working sessions to get this EDI
> 814 mapping accomplished (see attendee list in Meeting Notes).  And as
> always, we appreciate your cooperation and continued support in reviewing
> and using this material.
> 	 <<DASRmtg.doc>> 	 <<DASRdata.doc>> 
> Regards,
>    Mark Schindel
>    Southern California Edison Co

