Agenda for 7/1 Internet EDI Meeting
Subject: Agenda for 7/1 Internet EDI Meeting
From: "Price, James E." <>
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 12:19:47 -0700
A preliminary agenda for the Thursday, July 1, meeting on Internet transport
mechanisms for EDI was circulated on June 6, and has now been completed by
identifying specific speakers (and is attached). The location is PG&E, 77
Beale St., Room 308, San Francisco.
As determined at the last meeting, the primary purposes for this meeting are
to review details of what is now being implemented and tested, and address
open issues about functional requirements related to the recommendation
resulting from the last meeting, such as what criteria should be applied to
acceptance of Certification Authorities. In order to meaningfully address
the Certification Authorities issue, meeting participants may want to read
some materials in advance of the meeting. I can suggest some possible
The California Secretary of State has established State regulations
regarding digital signatures, including a process for inclusion in an
Approved List of Certification Authorities. Details are at An update on the status of this
approved list may be available by the time of our July 1 meeting.
A key feature in the Secretary of State's process is submission of an
unqualified Statement of Auditing Standards (SAS) #70 performance audit. A
description of SAS 70 is at
A general listing of California regulations regarding digital signatures is
A listing of expectations for certification authorities that applies to a
different context is at
Although the context is different, there may be types of requirements that
we should consider.
-----Original Message-----
From: Price, James E.
Sent: Sunday, June 06, 1999 12:13 PM
To: ''; ''; 'Alba, Chris';
'Baldwin, Tom'; 'Bouquet, Patrick'; 'Brassey, Lon'; 'Breffle, Scott';
'Brubaker, Wendy'; 'Cassidy, Pat'; 'Dale, Bill'; 'Danies, John';
'Darnell, Dave'; 'Deveau, Andrea'; 'Frank, Steve'; 'Goldman, Ryan';
'Hetrick, Nancy'; 'Horne, Jack'; 'Howard, Pat'; 'Knaebel, Steve';
'Langley, Mike'; 'Livingston, Geoff'; 'Lopes, Mike'; 'MacDonald, Todd';
'McCann, Ed'; 'McFaden, Brian'; 'Mesco, Tracy'; 'Moreh, Jahan'; 'Motus,
Noel'; 'Pai, Percy'; 'Patel, Amul'; 'Perkins, Rick'; 'Petrys, Tadas';
'Pinsker, Victor'; 'Price, Donnie'; Price, James E.; Quiroz, Edgar A.;
'Ross-Levin, Diane'; 'Sappenfield, Keith'; 'Schindel, Mark'; 'Sovde,
Geoff'; 'Thomas, Aaron'; 'VanHorssen, Steve'; 'Wadleigh, Dave'; 'Waters,
Nicole'; 'Wenzel, Ray'; 'Whyte, Shirley'; 'Woychik, Eric'; 'Young, Jeff'
Subject: Meeting Notes for 6/3 Internet EDI, Announcement of 7/1 Meeting
Attached are the meeting notes for the Thursday 6/3/99 meeting regarding
Internet transport of EDI (edi60399.doc), along with the list of
participants (edinetwg.doc) and the handout at the meeting regarding the
Internet Engineering Task Force's view of functional requirements for
Internet EDI (ediintrq.doc). Significant progress was made toward defining
the group's recommendation to OCC and the Rule 22 committee.
The next meeting of this group was scheduled for Thursday July 1, in San
Francisco. A preliminary agenda is also attached (edi701_9.doc). A speaker
on interaction with Certificate Authorities will be invited, and any other
participant who would like to schedule a presentation can contact me at
Jim Price, CPUC Office of Ratepayer Advocates,, 415-703-1797