RE: Additions to the agenda for OCC and Rule 22

To all:
The agenda is far less formal for OCC and we do not have fixed cut off
dates.  Generally, if a topic gets added to the agenda last minute, it
occurs at the opening of the meeting as an adjustment to the agenda under
concensus agreement of the group.  Unless there are any objections, I will
add the topic to the agenda at the beginning of the meeting.  If necessary,
individual parties can request additional time to provide comments on and
issue that is presented without notice.

-----Original Message-----
From: Roscow, Steve []
Sent: Monday, June 28, 1999 3:18 PM
To: 'Susan J Mara';;
Cc:; Bruno Gaillard;
Subject: RE: Additions to the agenda for OCC and Rule 22

The note I just sent (see below) pertains only to WEDNESDAY, the meeting of
the Rule 22 group proper.  The Energy Division doesn't set the Agenda for
the Tuesday OCC meeting, so I don't know if it is practical to have that
more technical discussion on short notice.  That's up to Aaron Thomas.
Sorry for any confusion I may have just created!
Steve Roscow

-----Original Message-----
From: Roscow, Steve []
Sent: Monday, June 28, 1999 3:09 PM
To: 'Susan J Mara';;
Cc:; Bruno Gaillard;
Subject: RE: Additions to the agenda for OCC and Rule 22

Rule 22 folks-- 
Since this request was submitted after the "cut-off" last week for the
regular agenda, one possible approach is to just add this item to the agenda
"informally" and we will see if other attendees are prepared to discuss.  I
believe Sue was out of the office last week, but in keeping with our
existing approach to developing agendas for our monthly meetings, the Energy
Division circulated the agenda for this Wednesday's meeting in advance, last
Friday, so that everyone would have sufficient notice as to what would be
discussed, and could then make travel plans accordingly, and bring
appropriate personnel to the meeting.  So, to be fair, we won't deal with
this in a "formal" manner on Wednesday, but let's see if we can discuss it

Hope that makes sense-- 

Steve Roscow 
CPUC Energy Division 

-----Original Message----- 
From: Susan J Mara [
<> ] 
Sent: Monday, June 28, 1999 2:54 PM 
Cc:; Bruno Gaillard; 
Subject: Additions to the agenda for OCC and Rule 22 

Green Mountain and Enron request that the following issue be added to both 

Procedures by which direct access customers who move retain their ESPs 
