Meter Usage Data Task Group 7/23 Meeting Announcement

Two factors lead to a need for the Meter Usage Data Task Group to meet soon.
First, CPUC Decision 99-07-007 has adopted the EDI protocols that are set
forth in the "Proposed Statewide Implementation Guide For Electronic Data
Interchange Standards To Transfer Meter Usage Information" report filed by
the Rule 22 committee on April 2, 1999, for implementation beginning 9/1/99,
but this is pending possible revision.  The decision directs the task group
to review Enron's comments on the April 2 report to determine whether the
changes it suggests should be incorporated in the EDI protocols, and file a
report within 45 days from the date of the decision (7/8/99).  (Comments
will follow the report.)

Second, discussion of change control processes at the July OCC meeting
included development of issues lists by all OCC task groups.

A meeting to review Enron's comments on the April 2 report, and start our
issues list, will occur Friday, July 23, starting at 9:00 AM.  The meeting
will include both a meeting in PG&E's Conference Room A at 245 Market
Street, San Francisco, and the opportunity to participate via conference
call.  To ensure adequate arrangements, please contact me at
if you plan to participate, and indicate whether you would participate in
person or by conference call.  The details for the conference call will be
known next week.

In order to prepare for the meeting, I have drafted an issues list to be
reviewed at the meeting, based on open issues identified in the 4/2 report,
D.99-07-007's summary of Enron's concerns, and other issues that I have
observed in recent weeks.  If there are any corrections to be suggested to
this draft issues list before the meeting, please let me know.

Jim Price, CPUC Office of Ratepayer Advocates,
